Monday, June 21, 2010

To Be A Child Again

Each person has a child in them. I for one, have always let the "child in me" out every now and then and just enjoy and take in everything that life offers. As a SAHM (stay-at-home mom), I often find myself amazed at the way my little girl sees things: with awe and wonder. And I would smile and my heart fills with warmth each time she sees something that pleases her and she would say, "Wow! Wie schön!" (Wow, how beautiful!) How can I ever forget that the beautiful things in life are those very simple ones? And at the end of the day, it is always my little girl who teaches me about how life should be.

Oftentimes, I let the child out in me when we visit theme parks and zoos and other places where a child can fully enjoy himself and discover and explore new things. My favorite is when we go on Disney vacations and I get to meet my favorite fairy tale princesses, beloved Disney classic characters and more. I remember when Hubby fulfilled my wish of visiting Disneyland two years ago. I was so very happy, like a child given a cone of ice cream or a new toy. There is just something in these places that is magical, carefree, and wonderful. Like it helps you forget about your worries and cares and just let go and go with the flow.

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