Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Of Getting Old

They say that life begins at forty, but for me, life begins at 30.
I am not getting any younger. In fact, I am already thirty. Double that I will then join the countless other senior citizens who are hoping to reap the rewards of all their hard work. As one gets older, the health risks are also getting higher and chances for landing a good job are getting slimmer. And sometimes, accidents happen so that while we are still strong and healthy, we should prepare for the unexpected. How? By securing our future and availing of a good number of insurance plans, one of which should include ssdi or social security disability insurance. Call me crazy but having this kind of insurance will assure you that you will still be able to feed yourself and your family should a rather unfortunate event in your life render you unable to work. When it comes to financial security, having insurances such as this is way better than not having any at all!

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