Monday, March 19, 2018

Where Can You Buy High Quality Furniture?

Are you looking to completely refurnish your apartment or home? If this is the case, you will need to seek out high quality furniture in order to replace all of your old furnishings. The amount of places you can buy furniture is quite overwhelming. Where should you begin your search? You should keep in mind that you do not only need to rely on furniture stores in your local area. You can also buy furniture online. In fact, online retailers will usually have bigger inventories than brick and mortar stores. Here are a few ideas about where you will be able to find great furniture.

1. Talk to some people you work with to see if they can recommend any good furniture retailers to you.

You might have some success by talking to your coworkers about the experiences they have had buying furniture. These people have probably bought furniture many times in their lives. Therefore, the chances are very good that you will be able to get a few good references that will be useful to you in the future. Make sure that you ask these people what type of furniture they bought and how much they paid for it. You might also want to consider asking your neighbors if they know of any good furniture stores in Mesa AZ.

2. Go to some home and garden shows in your area.

Furniture retailers will often have displays set up at home and garden shows. You will be able to try out their furniture in order to see if you like it. You can check online or in your local newspaper for the dates of the home and garden shows that will be coming to your city.

3. Take some time searching various online furniture retailers.

You will be able to find a very large selection of furniture when you shop online. You just need to be patient and compare prices to get the best deal. You should also be certain that a long warranty is included with every piece of furniture that you buy.


Hello everyone! Meet the new member of our family - Suki!

She just loves her red little squeaky ball.
Suki is our five-month old french bulldog. She is one handful puppy - she loves to play, bounce about the house and sleep on our couch. She has invaded and claimed our couch for her own just a few weeks after she arrived in our house.

My not so little girl and Suki cuddling after getting home from school.
So why the name Suki? It is a Japanese word which means "to like". Everything about her is just adorable and who wouldn't like, or even love, this little creature? She is our little princess and our daughter just loves her. It is actually her dog since she has been saving up for a dog since she turned six. We finally decided on getting one because we thought that it would help her how to take responsibility for another living being.

Suki is our little bouncy four-legged family member. I must admit it is a lot of work cleaning up after her, but it is all worth it. All the stress and exhaustion from work would all go away whenever I come home and see her all so happy and excited to see me arrive. :) She still has a lot to learn and we still have a lot to teach her. We hope that she will be with us for many years to come. 

Tips to Reduce Your Home Insurance Premiums

Home insurance is a safety net that protects you from financial devastation if an accident or injury takes place on your property. Your policy is also going to help you replace your possessions in the event of a burglary. If your home insurance payments are no longer manageable, then here are a few steps that you can take to get your premiums back under control.

Improve Your Home Security

Your insurance provider might offer a variety of discounts for security upgrades. Even relatively minor projects like installing wireless cameras could save you a few hundred dollars every year. Before installing those devices, you should first contact your current insurance provider and ask for a list of all the discounts they offer.

Bundle Your Policies

Companies such as often give discounts to clients who bundle all of their separate policies. As an added bonus, you won’t have to worry about making multiple payments at different times each month. When bundling, you should mention all of your active policies including your car, home, health, and life insurance.

Boost Your Credit Score

Most insurance providers now factor in a policyholder’s credit score when determining their premiums and deductibles. As a general rule, policyholders who have higher credit scores tend to file fewer claims. Paying your bills on time, closing out unused accounts, and correcting errors on your credit report will all raise your credit score by a few points.

Rethink Small Claims

It might be tempting to file a claim for minor damage around your home, but those claims will eventually add up. Insurance providers typically increase premiums when policyholders file more than one or two claims a year. The best way to avoid making those small claims is to build an emergency fund that can cover issues like burst pipes and wind damage.

Another way to lower your insurance premiums is to increase your deductible. You will have to pay more out of pocket if an accident occurs, but your monthly payments could be reduced by a significant amount.

Moving Up To 5th Grade Soon

So our little girl is now in the 4th grade and it has been quite busy the last few weeks for us as we went from one Information Day or School Open House to the next in preparation for 5th grade. This is because she will transfer to a new school where she will spend the next 8 or 9 years studying and preparing for a career. 

The first 4 years of Grundschule are almost over and we are happy and proud to say that she is doing well. Although graduation ceremonies and/or quarterly recognition days are not big here, we are happy that she is happy learning and socializing with other children. 

Moving on to a new school, we are as excited as her as she takes another big step. We are thankful that she is recommended to continue on to Gymnasium, a kind of high school which will allow her to continue on and study at the Universität or Hochschule later on. 

The German educational system is quite new to us so it is also like an adventure for us as parents. We just hope that we will be able to guide her and support her in the decisions that she will make in the years to come and that she will grow into the person that is meant to be.

In the coming days, we will be registering her at the school that left a good impression. We just hope and pray that she will be accepted. 

I am nervous and excited as I look forward to the new adventures and challenges that our young girl will face. But head's up Anak... rest assured that you will always have us behind you to back you up!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Benefits of Air Conditioning

If you live in Florida, your air conditioner is probably a huge part of your life when the summer rolls around. It gets incredibly hot and humid in the summer, sometimes dangerously so, and you need to be able to retreat indoors to a cooler home when the temperature is at its highest.

And yet, an air conditioner does more than just keep your home cool. We have mentioned before that it gets humid as well as hot in Florida, and an air conditioner can help you with that. Air conditioning involves lowering the humidity indoors to a more comfortable level, a task that is often more important than lowering the temperature. This lower humidity can keep issues such as mold at bay, which will be important if anybody in your home lives with allergies.

Speaking of allergies, a good air conditioning system can help with that in other ways as well. Your air conditioning system - and your HVAC system as a whole, for that matter - helps to filter out dust and other pollutants that can cause serious problems for anybody with moderate to severe allergies. In other words, having a good air conditioner is good for your family's health.

Of course, having a reliable air conditioning system will need to be kept in good working order. If you have a newer system, you should have relatively little to worry about. On the other hand, a system that is 15 to 20 years old might need some work. If you notice things such as rattling or clunking sounds coming from your vents or higher than normal utility bills, or you notice that your home doesn't cool off as quickly or as evenly as it once did, it may be time to contact a Bradenton FL air conditioning repair service to have your system checked out. Summer will be here before you know it, so make that call sooner rather than later.

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