Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And Google Smiled Down At Me!

I mean, my blogs! Wheee! I'm just soooo HAPPY! :)) Sorry for being so excited but this doesn't happen always!

I was blog hopping today and read about Umma's good news that her two blogs Happy Moments, Happy Thoughts and Spices of Life and Everything Nice just got ranked PR3 by Google. And I am so happy for her because she truly deserved it! And I was kind of thinking, so google has updated page rankings today! The news got me all curious and so I checked my blogs' ranks too!

And there it was, PR2 in all its glory for Samantha's Own and Just About Anything! Wheee! Such good news! Thanks google for the update! This is a very nice Christmas gift indeed!

More power to all of us in 2009!

A Blessed 2008

2008 is almost over! It's just amazing how time flies us by so fast escpecially if we are enjoying every moment of everyday. There is just so much to be thankful this year! And so before the year ends, let me count some of them.

January came with the anticipation of our new baby. I was able to experience my first snow in January. Snows are very rare in this part of Japan and I was lucky enough to witness my first snow. I was heavy then with child. All 36 weeks and all! My hubby also found a new and better job that month. And we were busy house-hunting for a new and bigger home.

February was D-day (or shall I say D-month?) for me. We moved into our new home and it is way bigger than the old! Too big in fact, that we have a spare room! It was also the month when I had Sam. Hubby was by my side during the delivery of which I am most thankful. Just imagine having to go through labor and delivery with strangers all around you. I would never have made it through without him by my side. I also knew the Lord will never forsake us. And indeed, I was able to deliver Sam safely.

March is a month full of promises for us. We were one new family again and about to take on the next steps in our journey with Baby Sam. I am most thankful for the presence of my eldest sister who stayed with us for three whole months to help me adjust with the new baby. My sister doesn't have a baby yet and we are praying they will be blessed with their own little bundle of joy soon! Hubby also got his driver's license this month! Yay! That means we can now drive to places we want to explore.

I turned a year older last April. It was only a simple celebration but very memorable because we are now three! We also got to travel to Yamanashi Ken for some springtime sightseeing! I missed the sakuras though but it was okay.

May is my hubby's birth month. We celebrated it simply at home with a dinner and then visited Showa Kinen Park the next day.

June was the birth month of this blog! Thanks to a good friend who convinced me, I met lots of great bloggers and good friends too! We also went to Tokyo Disneyland with baby Sam in tow!

July was a month of major adjustment because Ate had to go back to the Philippines. Work and her beloved hubby is waiting back home. Sam also began showing most of her major milestones during this month!

Lucy, our Subaru Legacy Wagon arrived in August. We named her so just because... :D I also had my first Obon experience and even participated in the Obon Odori during the neighborhood celebration. It was a blast! Sam had on her baby version of the yukata. It was the height of summer and it was very warm that she just slept in her Daddy's arms despite the loud drum beats!

September is Autumn and Sam had her first zoo experience at Zoorasia. She had fun watching the wild animals. She especially liked hanging around with the penguins! Hubby and I also celebrated our ten years anniversarry as friends and lovers. Mushy!

0October was the month Sam had her first tooth and was the first time she laughed and giggled a lot in another home! I also won PMC Weekly Fest and joined the crusade for the fight against breast cancer.

November saw me not blogging here. There had been problems with the service provider you see. But my baby Sam got her new blog called Samantha's Own and my, was she a success! Go check it out!

December is our first Christmas a family! Sam is surely growing up and the family will soon embark on a new journey in a new land next year. We sure are looking forward to what's in store next year!

Hope the year 2009 will bring us more blessings of joy, peace, love and good health, not just for our family but to other families in all corners of the world as well!

GOD Bless you MORE in 2009!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Pretty Umma!

Pretty Umma is celebrating her Birthday today! Oh my, looks like it's a grand celebration for her because more than half of the world is celebrating it! It must be very wonderful to wake up on Christmas Eve knowing that you are sure to get birthday presents! Hihihi!

And to Umma, this one is for you dear! I hope that you will love this!

1. What's your first impression on umma?
I met Umma online some months back. My first impression of her? Pretty and has a good sense of humor. I only know her blog Happy Moments, Happy Thoughts then.

2. After you've known her, did that impression change?
No, it didn't. I guess first impressions last...

3. What song will you sing to her aside from "Happy Birthday" and why?
"Pretty Woman". It amazes me how she was able to maintain her figure after having her baby.She is just PRETTY!

4. If Umma is a flower, what will she be? why?
A Gerbera! Fresh, blooming and very colorful.

5. When you meet Umma in person, what's the first word that you would say?
Does expressions count? It would have to be a "WOW!"

6. When you look at her picture, what can you say about her personality?
She is friendly and has a sunny personality.

7. How do you describe Umma as a friend online?
Umma is a very thoughtful and generous friend. She would gladly offer help with anything that she can handle. Despite her busy life as a mom and wife, she finds time to get back at you...

8. What do you think of her as a mother?
I think Umma is doing pretty well as a mother. Yeung Lei is living proof of that!

9 . What do you think of her posts and why?
Umma's posts are well-written and are connected to the realities of life. I love reading her posts on parenting because they make me realize that I am not the only mommy who is going through some phases in life. She incorporates humor and real-life experiences in her posts so that I am left enlightened and reassured. Posts which are comment-worthy indeed!

10. What is your birthday wish for umma?
Umma, I know that you are happy and contented with what you have now: a very BEAUTIFUL FAMILY! I wish for continued blessings of good health, peace, joy and love. Do enjoy your birthday!

A Very Happy Christmas Birthday to you Umma! Let's PARTAY!

Hugs & Kisses,

W is for Wreaths and Warm Wishes!

Christmas is finally here! The wreath at home is now completely lit! As Catholics, we celebrate the Four Sundays of Advent to prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus. Each Sunday, we light one candle to symbolize the Light of Jesus Christ. One candle would mean one Sunday. As Christmas Day draws near, more candles are lit.

So this is how our advent wreath looks like today:

It's pretty tiny but it sure has represented Christmas for us. Simple and meaningful... with Christ in it!

So what did you Wish for this Christmas?

Back in the Philippines, it has been a tradition to attend the Misa de Gallo, a 9-day Midnight Mass which is celebrated at dawn. It is believed by most that if you are steadfast and sincere in your participation in the Misa de Gallo and you complete them, your Christmas WISH will come true! Whew, I miss hearing this special mass with family!

Original Photo by Jerard

Original Photo by Jerard

So this is Christmas in the Philippines. Churches are overflowing with people!
The famous Quaipo Church in Manila all lit up for the Misa de Gallo.
Original Photo by Mark Joseph.

It's even more exciting after the mass because there are lots of kakanin (rice delicacies) on sale!

Original Photo by Mark Joseph.

Happy Holidays everyone! May your every WISH come true this Christmas!

Wishing you the Warmth and Joy that Christmas brings.

More ABC Wednesday posts can be found here and here.

Random Christmas Thoughts

So, it's Christmas already and here are some of my thoughts about it:

Frosty the Snowman does exist... (if you are from very cold places where there is lots of snow!)

Christmas is the season of joy and sharing. Count not how many gifts you receive this Christmas but how many you have helped and shown an act of kindness.

Remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Have a Happy Christmas everyone!

Do You?

Whenever you run out of cash, what do you do? Do you take advantage of Payday Loans? This question came across my head with the financial crisis going on and with the Holidays around. Hope you spend your money wisely this season. And remember, it's not how lavishly you prepare your Christmas dinners or parties, it's how you spend it with family and friends and loved ones.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Christmas Greeting

Hope everyone has a happy and memorable Christmas! Remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Food Friday: Ringer Hut Champon

food friday

Ah, champon! This noodle dish is just perfect for the cold season!

This was the first Japanese dish I tried when I arrived here. This is also hubby's favorite. Perfect with gyoza (dumplings) and cha-han (a kind of fried rice).

Starving! Just arrived from the airport... See my baby fork? I don't know how to use chopsticks yet!

Want to view more yum food? Click here for more Food Friday participants.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Brains, Mayo and Fricken Cold

With Christmas only a week away, I am sure that most of you are busy finishing off shopping for and wrapping presents. But more than that, there is so much about this season that I miss... Hearing the Midnight Mass beginning December 16th (which is celebrated at dawn), feasting on Filipino rice delicacies, Christmas carols and parols, exchanges gifts and family dinners on the Eve of Christmas are among them.

But this week's edition of Thursday Thunks didn't mention anything about Christmas. Which is why I shared something about Christmas before pondering on this week's questions. Lol!

Here goes my answers for this Thursday:

1. If you had to have a brain transplant and had to choose between a cat brain and a dog brain, which would you choose?
Uh... Dog brain. Hey, I am man's best friend!

2. Why do you think bananas are shaped the way they are?
So that monkeys can easily grab them. :D

3. Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip?
Aren't they the same?

4. Do you use keyboard shortcuts?
Absolutely! I love shortcuts... makes things quicker!

5. Are you a member at InsanityCafe Forums & Arcade? If not, you should be.
Nope! I think I'll pass. There is just so much to do and so little time left for blogging.

6. Where I live it was a low of -19 degrees this morning - what was your low last night/this morning?
Hmmm.. 46 degrees

7. Do you like hard boiled eggs?
Yup! I love eating them especially on lazy mornings. Quick and makes you full!

8. Have you ever drank green beer?

9. Whats your favorite cleaner?
Lysol. Kills 99.99% of household germs.

10.White or whole wheat bread?
Whole wheat bread. It's more healthy and has lotsa fibers!

11. Everyone has some type of phobia - whats yours?
I don't know what it's called but its COCKROACHES! Just disgusting! Ewwww!!!

12. Aren't you glad there weren't any Christmas related meme questions?
I found it odd actually! I love Christmas, you see!

If you want to join this Thursday meme, click here.

A New Home Sweet Home

The New Year will be newER for us for we will once again embark on a new journey as one family in yet a new home in Germany. The move is still months away though, most probably in April but the finality of it all is slowly sinking in. Whereas before, it was just a vague possibility, it is now slowly making it's presence known through my husband's news from work, policies and finances to be re-reviewed here at home, purchase of German language books and studying them, and yes searching the internet for information about Germany, long-term accommodation and even canvassing prices of electrical appliances online because Germany is using 220V while we are using 110V appliances here in Japan.

I dread the fact that I will once again feel the fear of having to face people who speak an entirely different language! My Japanese is not any better now even if I've been here for more than a year and here I am, trying to learn yet another language. Whew! But I also feel excited and happy at the same time to be given the chance to visit Europe and actually live in Germany for a number of years with the family.

The Lord has been very gracious to us. More blessings came when Sam came into our lives. I just hope that Germany will help us grow in love and faith. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Laughing Stock of the Day

I have been tagged and invited by Niko to post a photo of me in high school. This was easy enough if only I brought with my collection of photographs from when I was younger. I was only able to dig two photos from my archives. My apologies.

Despite my difficulty digging high school photos, I had fun doing this tag. It brought back many good memories of my high school days. It has been more than a year since I last saw them and I miss them.

I was fortunate to spend my high school at Philippine Science High School. No, I am no geek. Contrary to what most people think that we are nerds and snobby brats, we do know how to have fun! While we were provided with the best facilities and educated in the field of science and technology, the four years we spent in our Alma Mater proved to be very mentally stimulating and socially rewarding because of the close friends met and great memories made. And I think you can say that we have grown to love and care for one another even until now that we have our own lives. In case you are wondering, we call ourselves the Livewires...

First ever class educational trip to Cagayan de Oro to visit Nestle and Del Monte.

JS Prom '96 at Apo View Hotel with good friends Ava and Emily.

Now I would like to tag all of you in my bloglist. Have fun!

V is for Vow, Veneration and Vincent!

The wearing of the marriage bands.

The day we exchanged Vows was one of the most wonderful days of my life.

I got married to my boyfriend of 9 years, Vincent Anthony, one fine Wednesday. It was January 3rd to be exact. And I can still remember the vows we made to each other on that very special day. And the fact that I was teary-eyed as I said them.

Apart from it being a wedding ceremony, it was a day of Veneration to Our Creator who made it possible for us to come together in marriage.

Here's how it went:

Me: VINCENT, I give you my love, my life and my whole person. Today, I accept you as my lawful husband according to the rite of the Holy Catholic Church. I thank God for this precious gift which He has given me for many years. I promise to take you for who and what you are, to share with you whatever life will bring us, to share my whole self and life with you in times of sadness, through sacrifices as well as in times of joy. I will strengthen, support, comfort and encourage you. I have loved you and will always love you throughout our life together. The road ahead may offer joy and pain but know that I will stay with you as your loving and faithful wife.

Vincent: ANA K, I give you my love , my life and my whole person. Today, I accept you as my lawful wife according to the rite of the Holy Catholic Church. With deepest joy, I take you into my life with unselfish devotion. I promise to direct our lives to the path of faith and hope in Christ. I love you, ANA K, and throughout life, no matter what it brings us, I will remain your loving and faithful husband.

How about you, my married readers? Can you still remember your vows?

Happy Wednesday everyone!

For more ABC Wednesday participants, check out Mrs. Nesbitt or ABC Wednesday with Mr. Linky.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

To Blog and Earn From It

I am a stay-at-home mom of one lovely baby girl. And in between nappy changes and household chores, I choose to keep my hands full by blogging. I started blogging in June of this year, a few months after I had my baby. A friend told me that I can make money blogging so I decided to give it a try. I told myself, I have to earn even a little money just so I wouldn't feel penniless. Don't get me wrong, my husband hands over his paycheck every payroll but I just don't want to touch it should the impulse to buy something online gets the better of me.

So here I am, 6 months into blogging and liking it! I blog about some products which I believe in every now and then. I try to earn whatever I can by writing paid posts. Then yet another friend told me to check out So I did! I signed up as a blogger and then when I checked my email today, my blog was already approved! That was FAST! What attracted me at first was the very simple and easy to navigate web layout. Plus they've got great blog posts about getting paid by blogging too!

The Internet has been my constant companion lately, aside from my baby and hubby. And writing about products, websites and services is a worthy pasttime that allowed me to earn a small living. I am thankful for the Internet and the wealth of information that it can provide at just one click. Which is why, I think that blog advertising has become so popular lately. There are lots of people earning from their homes these days through blogging and there are now many advertisers who opt to launch their products or services in blogs simply because blog advertising works! So if you want to make money online or want to reach your target market at a faster and more effective rate, why not give a try? You will be surprised at how easy earning money online can be.

BOL's Brain Pain Edition 2

BoL's BrainPain

This is my first time to join this contest. Am glad Jonaver decided to extend the contest period. I hope to win the $5.00 prize courtesy of The Money Maker.

This week's question is:
When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What is the day after this day?
You too can join this contest! Click here to find out how.

Shot On The Spot (Round 2)

Oh, no! I received the Shot on The Spot tag again! LOL! =))

Ria over at It's My Party (and I'll Cry If I Want To) tagged me today and so in keeping with the spirit of this tag, I immediately grabbed my camera and took a shot. It's 9 in the morning here and baby Sam is still asleep. You could tell by the way I look that I just got up from bed myself (see the unkempt hair?). In fact I'm still in my pajamas. It is just so hard to drag myself out of bed in this cold weather.

In my unkempt hair and pajamas.

This tag rules are:
1) Take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair... Just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5)Tag 10 people to do this..

Give this a shot Juliana, Sheng, Suzanne, Mama Lira, Jonaver, Shiela, Rachel, Jade, Yenny, and Momnificient.


Christmas is just days to go, mind you! So, are you ready for Christmas? Let's find out in this conversation. Here's a list Christmas questions for you all! Happy Holidays and have a Blessed Christmas everyone!

Spitz Tunes: Cheer and Fear

Indeed Christmas is just around the corner so that we must all be feeling the Christmas cheer. Time to set aside our problems and fears and worries and make way for the cheery and merry days that is Christmas. Hope everyone has a Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 15, 2008

And My Wish Is That...

Christmas, the most awaited day of the year, is only days away. Most of us are busy preparing for the season and trying to beat that holiday rush! So, how's everything going? Have you got everything ready?

If you are feeling a little tired with your shopping, why not sit on Santa's lap for a while? He always has time for you, you know despite the tons of gifts that he has to wrap and the long list that he has to check once, twice, even thrice. I know I did - 132 pounds and all (Hey, he didn't mind my weight! :D), and got to whisper in his ear "Santa, I got a wish. I hope you grant it. I have been good the entire year..."

All Santa gave me was a Ho!-Ho!-Ho! and a deep chuckle. I swear I caught him winking to one of the elves. We did have a nice small chitchat, alright. A really NICE one that he even told me about the new CEIVA Digital Photo Frame that is just so nice that I can't help but wish to change my wish entirely! You see, it is very convenient to share photos with this photo frame. You can plug it in your computer, your digital camera or even your camera phone if you have one and display all your nice digital photos whenever and wherever. With the CEIVA Photo Frame, you are sure to remember all those memories without the hassle of opening your files and clicking on folders or flipping through photo albums.

So if you got a wish this Christmas, be sure to sit on Santa's lap and tell him all about it. I sure did! I know you all want to know what I wished for. But I'm not telling lest it won't come true. That's why it's a WISH! And be sure to upload a nice and fun photo just like I did so that Santa will be sure to remember you. Share it to all of your friends, too.

Of course, if you are living in the US and at the right age (18 years old and above), it doesn't just end with telling Santa that you got a wish. You will also get the chance to be entered into a contest where one random entry will be awarded $500 each day.

So what more can I say but Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy every moment in Santa's lap!


I'm IN for Pinay Mommy Online's Contest Too!

Oh my, Christmas is just days away so I must be ready and done with the shopping and joining blog contests too! Now, here's a contest from Pinay Mommy Blogger that I wouldn't want to miss! Apart from the fabulous prizes that are up for grabs, I am one of the sponsors, too! Hehehe!

Joining this contest is as easy as 1-2-3.... the rules are simple and easy to follow. To be qualified, you must do 4 required steps:

1. Blog about the contest along with the Prizes and Sponsors links, link to using the keywords “pinay mommy blogger” and to this contest post (you can post it in multiple blogs of yours to earn more entries). - 10 entries

2. Add me to your blogroll liking to “Pinay Mommy Online”. Blogrolling and LinkMeUp Scripts are not valid entries. - 5 entries

3. Add this banner to your sidebar linking it to this contest post until it ends. - 3 entries

Code: <a href=""><img src=""></a>

4. You must submit your entries in the following format:
Blog Post:
Technorati Username: YourNameTechno
StumbleUpon Username: YourNameStumble
Digg Username: YourNameDigg
Twitter Username: YourNameTwitter
Referred by: Name of the person who invited you.

If you want to earn MORE entries, click HERE.

So, what's at stake here?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Blogging Award

Christmas is almost here and everybody is so generous and busy giving away tags and awards. 'Tis the season for giving and sharing indeed! And the blogger in me is just so delighted and happy to be thought of by my great blogger friends!

And I thank my Baby Sam for the honor of giving me the Happy Blogging Award.

I am passing this award on to all my friends in the blogging world for always being happy persons and for writing inspiring stories for the whole world to see!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Cuddly BEAR-iuca!

Such a cuddly teddy bear called BEAR-iuca is here to visit my virtual home. Thanks my sweet Baby Sam for sharing him with me. I love you baby! Of course, nothing is cuddlier and more huggable than YOU!


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a powerful Genie Princess named Mariuca who was known throughout the land as the friendliest, most popular blogger in the blogosphere kingdom. Adored and admired by international visitors and commentators from around the world, the Genie Princess travels the blogosphere on her magical flying carpet, always looking for ways to share her good fortune with others.Over the past two years of blogging, Mariuca has met so many new people, from all walks of life and all over the world, each one bringing a little of their culture and lifestyle when they visit and comment on Mariuca’s two sites. So on her 2nd Blog Anniversary, Mariuca wanted to celebrate with all of her international blogosphere buddies by hosting a bear-naming contests at Wishing On A Falling Star and Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery and to pass her two lucky, cuddly teddy bears along to the winners who came up with the best names.On the opposite side of the world, from the moment Roxy (the prolific Roxiticus Desperate Housewives blogger) and her sweet daughters London and Maddie saw the teddy in his personalized t-shirt and blue muffler at Wishing On A Falling Star, they knew that he needed to come to live with their family in Mendham, NJ. The three New Jersey girls named him immediately and burst into a wonderful song for BEAR-iuca:BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, amazing teddy cheer.BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, we’d love you to come live here!Mariuca received 16 possible names for the Mariuca Teddy Bear, making it hard for the Genie Princess to choose just one…then Alakazam! A bolt of lightning delivered the perfect way to share BEAR-iuca’s good fortune to bloggers around the globe. While the soft, stuffed, cuddly BEAR-iuca is on his way to live with Roxy, London, Maddie and Rex in the Roxiticus Valley, the Spirit of BEAR-iuca is racing through the blogosphere to bring happiness, holiday cheer, and beary best wishes to everyone who welcomes him into their online home and passes along the BEAR-iuca good luck charm to ten friends.Please play along with us by following a few important rules:1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Spirit of BEAR-iuca badge of teddy bear cheer.2. Pass along the Spirit of BEAR-iuca and his cheery badge to as many people as you like.3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Spirit of BEAR-iuca.4. Once Roxy and the Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.

To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!

A Shot On The Spot

Yoiks! I got tagged by my Baby Sam with the Shot On The Spot! Whew! I haven't any idea how I look when I took a shot of myself but I guess it wasn't so bad. :D

This shot was taken just now, when I got home from my weekend job.

I feel tired from being out the whole day but still smiling because I am finally home with the ones I love.

Rules for this tag:
1. Have your picture taken RIGHT NOW.
2. DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair.. just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with no editing.
4. Post these instructions with this picture.
5. Tag your friends.

I am tagging Edelweiza, Pchi, Carmie, Lispeth, and Jay,


Friday, December 12, 2008

Mommyko Christmas Giveaway

Christmas is just around the corner and contests with lots of generous prizes abound in the blogosphere. Mommyko over at Wonderful Things in Life is having just that - a Christmas giveaway! There are huge prizes to be won so be sure to join the contest before the 22nd of December.

Before I make you drool with the prizes, let me start off with the very simple, easy-to-follow contest rules.

To Enter:
1. Blog about the contest with all the Prizes and Sponsors.
2. Subscribe to my feed via email. ( you can see it in my sidebar)
3. Put the logo contest in your post.
4. Choose one logo for your side bar.

5. Leave a comment along with the link of your post.

Optional: If you can refer 1 person additional 1 entry. More referrals more entries.

This Christmas Giveaways officially starts today November 25 and this will end December 22.

Note: All sponsors can join this Christmas Giveaways.

The Fun Google Tag

I have been dying to receive this Google Tag from blogs I frequent. It does look fun to post images from Google. But I resisted the urge of grabbing this on my own knowing that someone is bound to tag me. And I guess the waiting paid off! Mommy Umma of Spices of Life and Mommy Niko of Niko's Blog were so thoughtful for tagging me. So now, I am joining the band wagon.

"The rules are simple. Use Google Images to search for the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people."

1.) The age of my next birthday

2. Place I would like to Travel

3.) My favorite Place

4.) A favorite thing

5.) My Favorite Food

6.) My Favorite Color

7.) The City I Reside Now

8.) The City I was Born

9.) My College Major

10.) Name of Your First Lover

11.) A Bad Habit

12.) A Hobby

12.) My Current Wish Lists (Max of 3 )

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This policy is valid from 05 September 2008.

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