My dearest baby Lilly, time flies so fast. It felt like yesterday when I brought you out into this world. In less than two months you will turn a year old. Just like that, yes just like that.
You are born in uncertain times, in the middle of a pandemic that has claimed millions of lives throughout the world. But things are slowly returning to normal, thanks to the quick development of vaccines. Hopefully we could celebrate with family and a small circle of good friends on your birthday. Until then, may you stay healthy and continue to develop as a normal baby would.
You have reached your milestones one step at a time. You can crawl very well now and even stand and take a few steps with me or the couch or table or chairs as your support. You love to eat what we eat during mealtime, and your favorite fruit is banana and pears. You now have 4 milk teeth and the 5th one is on its way. Your giggles, smiles and wet kisses always melt my heart so that no matter how tired or grumpy I am, you are able to refresh me and remind me that I should cherish these days with you because you are growing up so fast. Your babbles are so adorable and you gladly respond when we call out your name. You also have this mischievous side to you where you would crawl as fast as you can away from me when I ask you what you are doing. I also find it cute how you would get angry or impatient if you are hungry and I am still trying to cool down your food.
I am forever grateful for you and for coming to our lives. There are still lots of moments to be shared with you, memories to be made, with me and daddy and Nee-chan and Suki. So please stay healthy love. Explore your little world. Cry, eat, sleep, poop, be dirty, play, fall down, laugh. We are just here for you every step of the way. We love you, little Lilly, always and in all ways.