Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I Can Feel The Excitement

It is the soccer season. The FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa has kept the world focused on only one game: soccer or Fußball (football). Last Sunday was Germany's first game against Australia and everyone here is all eyes. Downtown Stuttgart seemed like a ghost town last Sunday, what with everybody huddled in bars and cafes that have TV screens and in Rosenstein park for the live game. People, especially the young women were all dolled up just for the game, wearing their national colors: red, yellow, black. I was not in a paparazi mode last Sunday so that I was only able to manage to snap a photo of a group drinking beer while watching the games... and it wasn't even a clear one as I took it from a distance.

I can feel the excitement and the anticipation that entire Germany was feeling. Each time a goal is made by their team, a loud shout of jubilation can be heard. You just can't help but watch the games too! And how did the games go last Sunday? It was in favor of Germany of course. I think the final score was 4-0 and that was all it took for everybody to be in jubilation. The men were particularly loud, as if they had a does of testosterone cream. They were very happy, loud, and had very high energy levels. Even until the wee hours of the morning, motorists were carelessly sounding their car horns and elephant horns.

Yes, it is the FIFA fever and I don't mind. Even if I am not a big soccer fan, I don't mind the noise and the strong sense of competition between the German nationals and foreigners. I don't mind seeing flags being hanged on balconies and flaglets in cars. After all, it will only be for two weeks. Which team will win, I don't know yet. The best of luck to all the teams.

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