As your parents get older, it can be difficult for them to accomplish tasks that once came easily. If you think that your parent or loved one needs a bit of help living on their own, here are some strategies to try.
Consider Moving Back Home
Sometimes it is best for your parent to have a child living with them to assist with day-to-day chores and errands. This way, your parent can still maintain his or her freedom while having some help from a family member, and you are also less likely to disrupt their schedule or lifestyle. Moving home might seem like a drastic step, but it can be hugely beneficial for your parent and your relationship.
Look Into Home Care
Older folks with more persistent or complex health problems might require a level of care that you are unable to provide. If this is the case, hiring a home care worker might be a better option. To find home care workers in your area, simply do an internet search to see reviews and cost breakdowns. For example, if you reside in Washington, D.C., search for "home care washington dc" to find agencies near you.
Research Retirement Communities
A retirement community can be a wonderful choice for seniors who need some help or companionship, but also want to maintain a relatively independent lifestyle. As people age, they still need to surround themselves with a community of friends and family. Finding a retirement community where your loved one can engage in group activities and have on-hand assistance may be a perfect middle ground between living on their own and types of full-time care that is more hands-on.
Depending on the amount of assistance they require, it may be frustrating to think about living accommodations for your parent or loved one. However, with these tips, you are sure to find the situation that works best for everyone involved.