Lieber Daddy,
I ♥♥♥ you! Thanks for letting me ride that horse at the Frühlingsfest a few months ago... and the countless kiddie rides too! I know that you ran out of money that day and had to make a dash to the nearest ATM machine to get some more money because I was already clamoring for more rides! It must have taken you and Mommy lots of patience and understanding to endure my kakulitan. Thank you for always being there for me when Mommy is no longer nice to me. Thank you for taking me out for afternoon drives and for taking me to many beautiful places. Thank you for sending me to sleep when Mommy cannot. Thank you for teaching me how to do things and for planning to teach me how to play the guitar. You are the best Dad there is and I am so lucky to have you!
I know that Father's Day here in Germany has come and gone... we celebrated it last May when the Church remembered Jesus ascend into heaven but want to greet you a Happy Father's Day again nonetheless.
Take care Daddy! God Bless! Ich liebe dich!
♥ your little Sam

super bait pal ni Daddy eh, kaya naman mahal na mahal ni Sam :-); siguro busy ka minsan sa blogging gaya ko kaya hubby na lang mag send the kids to bed :-)lol
i can see that they are really close to each other...happy fathers day to your hubby!
Happy Father's Day still to Sam's sweetest dad... I'm sure she'll write the same message when she already can... :) Here's Mine
Si Daddy pala ang takbuhan pag galit na si Mommy eh! Seriously, your father and daughter seem to be very fond of each other. I hope that sweet relationship continues until Sam is all grown up.
I am really glad that your daughter and hubby have a close relationship :)
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