I received this award from pretty Umma of
Happy Moments, Happy Thoughts. My apologies dear if it took a while to post this. No, it's not because I have forgotten all about it but because of the countless things I have to do and the countless things on my mind that it seemed impossible to squeeze in blogging. I know, I know..... excuses. :D But anyway, here's the award that I am very honored to have: The Honest Scrap Award. I didn't know why I deserve this one but I am thankful to Umma for her thoughtfulness and her friendship too! But I have to warn you, my answers are a bit lengthy so please bear with me and read until the lastest last word. ;-)

Honest Scrap Award RulesWhen accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.
Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!
So, here are some ten honest to goodness things about me:
1. I am an OC-OC. You know,
obsessive compulsive. But I am a healthy one. I love things to always be in order... especially the house. When I am stressed and angry or frustrated, I usually channel out my angst on things: putting them in order, rearranging them neatly. I sometimes even alphabetize the titles of my books and our DVDs. It's a good thing though that we only have a few DVDs and books with us here. I can just imagine the time it will take to alphabetize everything if we brought all our books and DVDs with us here LOL! But sometimes, I have my lazy moments too that I just let everything be.
2. I am an artist. Yes, I can paint. There was even a time when I was good at it that my high school commissioned me to do an oil painting for the school. And it was quite big... It's now mounted in all its glory on one of the walls of the Director's Conference Room. Now, I wonder where all that skill went. I should find the time to paint again. Have to have other channels aside from turning the house upside down and inside out. LOL!
3. I don't know how to swim... I am a beach person and would grab any chance and invitation for an outing at the beach. But I can't go any deeper than shoulder-level lest I drown myself.
4. I love to drink coffee -add a very good book, nice mood music and great company and I can forget everything especially the time. It has been a while since I had a nice cup of coffee and a good conversation.
5. I hate to argue... each time disagreements arise with somebody, I usually just listen to the other person cry his/her heart out. Don't get me wrong, I am not an escapist either. I do defend myself from time to time and patch things up, but I'd rather shut up than say hurtful words. Because I believe that once they come out of your mouth, you can never take them back. Damage has been done. And you end up regretting.
6. I want to have twins! But because it does not run my and hubby's genes, it would be impossible. But maybe not! Think fertilization tests. Would I even consider one? Hmm... Now that got me thinking.

7. I don't really know how to cook. I was never good at it! I only even started cooking when I got here in Japan. But then I saw Ratatouille last year and Remy, being the mouse that he is, believed in his heart that anyone can cook! So I thought to myself, if Remy can, I can too! And so I learned to cook AND better too!
Di na Hanhan no? Would you believe that a mouse was my inspiration? Seriously.
8. I've always wanted to learn how to put on make-up - Hahaha! Seriously, I don't how to put on my own make-up. I don't even have any cosmetics. The closest thing that I posess that can parhaps pass for a cosmetic is my peppermint lip balm. :D And living here in Japan where almost all beauty products and cosmetics is readily available and having no make-up at all is an understatement. I don't even powder my face. Haha! Can somebody show me? I want to surprise my hubby and look "presentable" on those very special occasions.
9. I love to shop for home decors. My shopping/window shopping expeditions are never complete without a trip to the home decor department. I want to know what's new and what's nice to have for our dream home. I even take note of the prices and keep them in mind. I just might buy them next time. Hehe! But because we are not yet "settled", I keep holding purchasing the lovely items off. I don't want to carry lots of stuff when we move houses.
10. I like to keep things simple. For myself YES. But when it comes to my family, I won't settle for anything less. It doesn't matter if I look shabby as long as my family is comfortable and have the best things in life. Now, I understand what my mother used to tell me. As in our dialect: "
Bahala na magkagidlay mi basta okay lang mo. " Sniff!
Now I’m passing the Honest Scrap Award on to 7 wonderful people:
Ate Mira,
Ate Shals