How do you wean a baby? And how do you know when is the right time to wean them? There are many experts and books about this, but as a mother, there is no specific time line. You just know when it comes. And it will come.
Among my two daughters, the youngest is breastfed since birth. She is almost 3 now, but I still nurse her to sleep. I have been telling myself that it is about time she learns to sleep without nursing and every time I try, there is always drama and lots of crying and wailing until I have no choice but to give in just so I can give everyone the peace and quiet they need, and so that I too can go to sleep.
But tonight I have a small victory. The little one managed to sleep without nursing. There was of course, some, errr, lots of, crying that came with it but she fell asleep without mama's precious milk. And I too can now go to sleep.... Or write this short post to remind me of the this small victory, this milestone. ☺️
Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf... Mama is here, always and in all ways. Good night.