Sunday, September 23, 2018

How to Select the Perfect Pet Bed For Your Dog

Did you get a dog not that long ago? You may have made the decision with the family to get a pet for everyone to love and spend time with. Now that you are the owner of an adorable and loving animal, you should make sure that you have the perfect bed for your pet to sleep in when it is going to sleep for the night and when it is taking naps during the day, especially if you are not too fond of having the animal sleeping directly on the floor. There are a few different steps you can take to make sure that you are choosing the perfect bed for your pup.

Make Sure It Is the Right Size
Even if you are planning to let your dog sleep in your bed with you because it has been deemed safe, you may still want to make sure that your pet is sleeping in its own small bed on top of your mattress or sheets to avoid getting too much hair from the animal all over your clean sheets and blankets. The first thing you need to look for when selecting the right bed for the animal is something that is spacious enough. The exact size of the product you are going to need will depend on the breed of the animal and how big you are expecting it to grow.

If you have adopted or purchased a dog that is known for staying small throughout its lifetime, such as a chihuahua, you are not going to need the largest option available. However, if your dog weighs nearly a hundred pounds and is expected to grow even larger, you are going to need to make sure you are finding something that is going to accommodate its size. You can start to shop for dog beds online with VPD to check out the many options that are offered, including options for both smaller animals and larger animals.

Check Out the Materials That Are Used
Always pay attention to the types of materials and fabrics that are used to make the different beds that are available for your pet. The reason it is important to do this research is because you want your dog to like sleeping on the bed and the only way to make sure the animal enjoys sleeping on it is to make sure it is as comfortable as possible. Fake fur is often used on top of additional padding to make a pet bed feel more comfortable for the animal. The fur provides extra warmth during those times when it may feel chilly inside the house because it is so cold outdoors.

While getting something with fake fur may be ideal if your pet gets cold quite easily, you may not necessarily need something with fur if it is often warm in your home. Instead, you may prefer something that is made from materials that are more lightweight and known for their ability to keep animals cool on hotter days.

Know What You Will Need to Do to Keep It Clean
Aside from making sure the product is spacious and comfortable enough for your dog, you should find out how to keep it clean. Most of the options are easy to keep clean because they can get thrown into the washing machine with some detergent. However, other options may not be as easy to clean and may require more work, so you need to know how much effort you are going to need to put into keeping the mattress clean for your dog.

If you want to get a nice pet bed for your new dog, you need to make sure it is large enough for the animal, made with comfortable materials, and easy to keep clean. There are tons of large and spacious options available in plenty of colors and designs.

Suki and Her Injured Paw

So we were away for about four weeks for our summer vacation. Because we cannot take our Suki with us to the Philippines, one would wonder what she has been up to during this time. So where is Suki? We left her in the care of Pino at his dog hotel in Ludwigsburg.

A week before our flight back to Germany, we didn't receive any update from Pino. I was already a bit worried because it was very unlike of Pino to not give us any updates since he would send us photos and videos via WhatsApp whenever we ask about how our Suki is doing. There was a good reason for it: our Suki hurt herself on one of their walks. Knowing our Suki, she loves to be all over the place and loves to eat and swallow whatever she finds. She is like a vacuum cleaner so to speak. So anyway, we fetched her and found her with a soft collar.

Then Pino explained to us what happened. He didn't want us to worry about Suki and ruin our vacation so he waited until we got back. Suki must have got a splinter on her right paw while they were out on one of their walks. Pino already suspected something was wrong with her when he saw her limping. He checked her paws and found nothing. When it suddenly became swollen, he brought her to the vet nearby. They placed a blistering ointment on the swollen area and placed a bandage on it. The next day, they checked it again and found foreign objects and the blister burst. They stitched the paw together, gave her antibiotics and put a soft collar so she will not chew the bandage away.

Suki in her soft collar, doing on her favorite past times:
sunbathing in our balkon. There is indeed no place like home.
The poor thing... But we are thankful that Pino took immediate action and got Suki treated before it became worse. I can say that we found a very good "day care" for our Suki. And she is happy too in the company of other dogs. It was like she was also having a vacation there.

But she was so delighted and happy to see us again too. It was like it didn't matter to her that we were away for a very long time. What matters is that we are back!

Three Tips for Taking a Road Trip with Friends

While you can always fly anywhere you want to go, you may find that you have even more fun when you take a road trip with your friends instead. Not only can you follow the open road and see where it takes you, but you have the chance to talk and be together the whole time. You just need to check out some tips for your trip.

Plan Your Route Ahead of Time
Before taking off on your road trip adventure, sit down as a group and decide exactly where you want to go. Now is the time to plan your route between different points and to make a list of all the attractions that you want to see. You might decide to check out some of the top Tombstone AZ attractions on a trip through the southwest, or you might head down to Florida and visit a few amusement parks. No matter where you decide to go, give yourself some free time along the way. You never know when you might find a new place that you want to visit.

Pack Snacks
When you take a road trip, you can stop anywhere you want, including at rest stops for bathroom breaks and restaurants to grab a bite to eat. To cut down on the time you spend off the road though, you may want to pack some snacks. You should look for nonperishable foods that you can store in the back seat or the trunk, including granola and candy bars and chips or pretzels. If you bring along a cooler, you can pack cold drinks and other foods too.

Bring Games
Though road trips are fun, you might get a little bored before you reach your destination, especially if you find yourself stuck in traffic. A good way to beat the boredom is with a few games. Many companies now make smaller travel games that you can play in the car. Before taking off with friends on a road trip, you should think about the games and snacks you want to bring and all the attractions you want to visit.

Bantayan Island

Autumn is slowly creeping in but before that, let me post this beautiful photo of the Virgin Island, a nearby island just a couple of hours away from Bantayan Island in the province of Cebu, Philippines.

Clear blue waters, white sand, hot sun - the perfect combination for a perfect summer vacation. It is a very beautiful place for snorkeling too - with lots of fish or just lazing about on one of the hammocks while sipping a tumbler of fresh mango juice. There is a viewing deck further on and cliff diving on the other side of the island for the more adventurous at heart.

Nothing really beats nature's beauty. It was a brief stay but the memories we made with family and friends will forever be treasured.

Why Montessori Education Works

There are a lot of great schools out there. Ask anyone what makes a great school, and you will likely get multiple answers. The reality is that the system and the teacher often are the determining factor in deciding this, which is why Montessori education has become so popular across America in recent years. Parents have become frustrated with schools that seem to be focused on the teacher and administration. Montessori schools, such as that found with sammamish private schools , are based on an entirely different model. These schools are rightfully centered on the child, and the results have been tremendous. 

Early Childhood Education
For years, many experts believed that young children should just play and that formal education should not start until much later. That is flawed thinking, as children begin learning almost from day one. Remember back to you when you new born followed everything you did with their eyes. They were soaking everything in. Young children are like sponges. They can retain information, and have fun while doing it. Montessori education takes advantage of this by providing a child centered classroom that is focused on fun, educational activities. The children learn without even realizing that they are. 

Leave Formal Education Out of It
There will be plenty of time later for formal education, filled with lectures and reports to do. Early childhood education should revolve around the child. Each individual student in the school is encouraged to learn at his or her own pace. The teacher works with each student to maximize and build upon their own unique gifts and talents. Children are free to express themselves during playtime and other organized activities. This is unlike a traditional classroom where children are expected to sit in neat rows and listen intently while their teacher talks. The teacher in a Montessori school is more like a guide, moving the children towards where they want to go at their own pace. 

As you consider what to do for your child's education in these early years, consider a Montessori school. You and your child will likely be very pleased with the results. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Finding The Perfect Marble For Your Home

If you are remodeling your home and are looking for marble for your kitchen counter, you should first consider the many different types of marble that are available. You should then devise a plan in which you will search for this marble, and there are several different ways in which you can find the right marble for your home.

Talk To Other Homeowners
The first thing you can do is talk to homeowners who recently purchased marble for their kitchen. Find out where they purchased their marble, the overall price with installation, any trouble they may have had with it, and if they are happy with their new kitchen display.

Search For Private Companies
The next thing you can do is search for private companies that sell marble for kitchen counters. You can conduct this type of search online, but the company you select should have a history of providing fine marble to the entire area. The company should also have outstanding ratings and reviews, too. A great example of this type of company is EleMar, which is known for providing the finest marble countertops Portland offers. They have every type of marble that can be imagined, and they offer payment plans for every client, too. Additionally, this company provides full installation, and they keep in contact with all their customers on a regular basis in case something goes wrong with the marble.

Getting a marble countertop is a beautiful thing, but it is also a permanent thing that is not cheap at all. With that being said, you should try your hardest to get the best marble countertop you can find. It would also be good to weigh out all of your options before making a final decision.

The Islands Beckon

Summer - that time of the year when we finally get to unwind and have a long vacation.

This year was unlike any other as we got to explore the islands of our home country and saw it in a different light, enjoying the sun, sea and countryside with family and friends, breathing in and basking in its beauty. From one island to the next, it will always have its own charm and beauty but one thing remains - the Philippines is a beautiful country rich in natural resources. 

Breathtaking sunrise in Pacifico, San Isidro, Siargao Philippines.
We went back to places we have been to and was surprised at how much globalization has changed the face of the island. There are crowded places teeming with tourists but there are also locations where one can enjoy the laidback pace of the island life. I hope that its natural beauty will not be compromised with commercialization otherwise it will be the end of it.

So be it for adventure, meeting new friends, enjoying extreme sports or just lazing about, there will always be a spot for anyone who will visit the islands of the Philippines.

With its 7,106 islands, there are still thousands more islands that we need to explore. And these we will definitely visit and explore in the next summers of our lives.

How to Choose the Right Divorce Attorney

Selecting an attorney to represent you on any legal matter is one of the most important decisions you can make. When it comes to divorce, who you choose is of particular importance given the massive pool of attorneys from which to choose. The needs differ with every case, so it might take a lot of time and research to find the right divorce attorney Hillsborough county.

Divorce can be hard for both sides and men in particular need to ensure their attorney keeps their best interests at the forefront of settlement negotiations. Here are a few things to consider when beginning your search.

Don't Assume Only Male Attorneys Provide the Best Representation
You should not depend on your attorney's gender impacting the outcome of your case. What is more important is finding an attorney who is competent, dependable and makes you feel comfortable that they will serve your best interests. Regardless of their gender, you want to know that you can trust their representation of what is best for you.

Hire an Attorney Specializing in Family Law
There are many different practice areas, but you want an attorney who focuses on divorce proceedings. Hiring someone who knows specific divorce laws in your area is crucial. Just like you would not want a veterinarian if you needed heart surgery, you should not want legal representation from an attorney that does not practice family law.

Find One Experienced with Your Interests
Although family law is a specialty, there are still parts that makes your interests different from another case. If you and your soon-to-be ex have children, you want an attorney who handles child support and custody issues.

Look for an Attorney with Good Negotiation Skills
You should want to reach a fair settlement without going to court. A good negotiator can help you avoid that fight. Fighting things out in a trial can become an expensive and lengthy process. However, an attorney with courtroom experience can help to settle disputed issues.

Go beyond just picking a name for selecting an attorney. Establish a sensitive relationship with one who is right for your case.

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