Friday, July 3, 2009

Button Exchange!

Want your BUTTON included here? Just let me know! I'd appreciate it if you could GRAB my BUTTON too! It's up on my sidebar. Thanks a bunch!

sweet nothingsthe mommy journey from my kitchen and beyond Love's HavenMoms... Check NyoPhotobucketButtonSimply Happy LifeHer and HistoryInspirational InsightsPinay WAHMButtonsPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketRandomWAHMThoughtsOnline Mommy's CornerRecaptured MomentsHome BuddiesTinypicGirls TalkRandomWAHMThoughtsjust simple thoughtsChris ChroniclesPhotobucketWritten by MysThis Is My Lifeblogger-bookmark,blog design tips and tricksjh3riz24 Online Tips, reviews and Blogging resourceChiepaojared's little corner of the world..Pinay MamaElijah's CribWorking Woman


CuteBoo said...

Hi there;)
thanks for taking my button,your blog is so cute.I also added your button;)
Have a woonderful weekend,
XOXO Sabine

Liza said...

Hi sis! I updated your url na and I grabbed your button na rin. :) Thanks!

Dee said...

Hi. They're all pretty.

I have an award for you. If you have time, just grab it here.

vhingF said...! thanks very much for including my foto album badge here. your so nice at heart. I'm grabbing yours too and add links.

have a nice week.

Yami said...

added your button already...may problem lang sa layout ko. nagkagulo yung html code...di bale ayusin ko rin yun. thanks.

fedhz said...

Wow! button exchange! Is it possible to have button and link exchange as well? ^^v

I see, you know Enchie (Sweet nothings)? I know she does photobook digiscrapping too.

farazuddin said...

i m faraz
create a link your site:

my blog :

Raven said...

Hello and Good day, I am Raven, a 16 years old teen, and I have put your badge to my blog's link exchnage page:

Can you also please grab my blog's badge and put it in this page? I'll really appreciate it, thank you so much, because I really need to have backlinks to my blog because it's new.

Thank you and God Bless

Raven G. Duran said...

Thank you again for grabbing my badge here.

Have a Blessed day Ma'am.

Raven G. Duran said...

Hello, thank you for grabbing my badge and putting it to your badge gallery, I really appreciate it a lot,.....can I ask a favor?...since I change my blog's badge can you also replace my badge here at your blog? thank you and Good day.

Here is where my new badge can be grabbed:

It really mean a lot to me, as a 16 years old student blogger, hehe =)

val said...

grab your badge visit

val said...

finished grabing your badge ^_^ visit

jh3riz24 said...

I've added your badge to my page, please add mine thanks

jh3riz24 said...

I've added your badge to my collection, please add mine thanks

Raven G. Duran said...

Hello, Can you please change the direct image link my blog’s badge here? I had a problem with my Image host..

please change it to this:

Thanks a lot, really


Snowcone said...

Added your badge please do visit and grab mine as well.. thanks :)

jared's mum said...

hey there, added your badge and hoping you will grab mine, too..lovely blog..kindly visit

good day:)

Trish said...

hi! followed your lovely blog and added grabbed your button, too.

have a blessed day, too :)

Zedvick said...

Hello there, just want to update you on your badge, I added it on my blogroll, hope you do the same, thanks :)

jared's mum said...

thanks for grabbing my badge, too. much appreciated...also can i just ask cause i saw all your badges neatly lined up, can you teach me how cause mine's in topsy turvy thanks in advance...good day:)

Working Woman said...

Hi, I have grabbed your badge and added it in Blogs Of Friends (header side). Hope, you do the same. God bless and keep posting!

keylogger said...

Thank you for taking the time to publish this info very useful!

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