Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day 2 in Salzburger Lungau: Hiking Day to Rotgueldensee

Rotgueldensee is considered as one of the most notable and beautiful mountain lakes in Salzburger Lungau. It is located in Murtal (Mur Valley), within the National Part Hohe Tauern.

From our apartment, we drove about half an hour to Hintermuhr and started our hike from there. Tagging along with us is of course our french bulldog Suki. We started our hike from the parking area of the Arsenhouse, following the road going up the mountain, passing through a number of informative natural trail about the mountain and its Flora and Fauna.

The family on the way up to mountain lake, Rotgüldensee.
The hike normally takes about an hour for regular hikers, but it took us longer as we needed to take more short water breaks for our Suki due to the hot weather. It rained hard halfway through the hike and we were all wet when we reached the lower Rotgüldensee and the Rotgüldensee-Hütte. Although cloudy and gray, it was a sight to behold. The lake water was calm and silvery-gray due to the clouds hovering above. We took a rest at the cabin, where we ordered some hot beverages to help ward off the cold. 

This beautiful lake greeted us, with the foggy Großer Hafner further up.

Later, the sky cleared up, revealing the lake's beautiful almost turkish blue water. Further up, one can see the waterfalls coming from the upper Rotgüldensee and the shimmering ice-cold beauty of the Großer Hafner, a partly-glaciated mountain, up ahead.

The sky cleared up a bit revealing the cold beauty of Großer Hafner
and of course, the lower lake's turquoise water.

We wanted to take the challenge of going up to the upper Rotgüldensee but decided otherewise due to the weather condition and the fitness level of our group which includes a french bulldog, a complaining-not-quite-a-teenager daughter, and me, whose fitness level is close to null. The only fit person in our group is my husband. Hehe! :)

The hike back was quicker and more pleasant for our Suki because the temperature has cooled down. 

It was a beautiful day still, one that we will forever cherish.

How to Add More Natural Elements to Your Home

No matter your style, every home can be made more welcoming and comforting with some additional natural elements. You could choose to replace your flooring with a hardwood like Monarch Plank Windsor Collection, or you could simply add features here and there around your house. Whatever you decide, you don't have to spend a lot of money to do it. Try repurposing old items or using found objects from trips or even around your property.

One of the easiest and healthiest ways to bring nature indoors is with plants. Ones like pathos, ivy and ficus act as natural air purifiers as they can filter dangerous chemicals and toxins from the air. You can also do double-duty with herbs as accents to your decor as well as to your food. If you feel that your thumbs are more brown than green, try cactus or succulents. They require little water or attention and are excellent choices for those who may forget to water other plants regularly.

Accent Walls
For a more dramatic effect, try an accent wall. Techniques could vary from covering a wall using repurposed wood planks to creating a wood-framed showcase of art or photographs. You could also add a living wall. Succulents planted in a vertical planter can be a showstopping look while adding the health benefits of living plants to your space.

Do you love to travel? Use the natural bounty around you. Bring back the beautiful sea glass or seashell you found at the beach. Maybe you found an unusual piece of driftwood that would make a unique holder for tealight candles. Keep strange rocks from your excursions and display them on a shelf or windowsill. You'll have a personal remembrance of your trip along with the warmth that natural elements add to your home.

Friday, August 23, 2019

3 Alternatives To Traditional Labor and Delivery in Texas

Pregnancy and birth can be an intimidating process, especially if it's your first time. You may not have considered additions or alternatives to a hospital stay during labor and delivery. Three are some options to optimize your experience.

Go Natural
If you would like a more natural experience you should consider water birth san antonio. It is exactly what it sounds like- you would be in a bath full of warm water during labor and also during delivery if you wish. It is established as being very safe and soothing. Some hospitals even offer this, if you don't want to seek out a separate facility. You could also stay at home instead of rushing to a delivery room. Midwives are certified to provide care during labor and delivery as well as obstetric care, during and after the pregnancy. Just imagine how much less stress you would feel in the familiarity and privacy of your own home.

Get a Doula
A doula is someone who can guide you and your family through the pregnancy and birthing process to make it the best experience possible. With the complicated healthcare process and seemingly endless advice books, it can lift a lot of weight off of your shoulders to have a certified expert steering you in the right direction. They can provide informational, physical and even emotional support.

Go To a Birthing Center
Another way to avoid the hospital is at a birthing center. These are health care facilities specifically focused on childbirth and abide by the codes of midwifery. They emphasize helping women make decisions about the labor and delivery process according to their own values and beliefs. They are set up to look like large bedrooms and living areas, to give a feeling of home. Services also include educational programs, postpartum care and breastfeeding services.

Your future child deserves the best, so don't skimp when it comes to your health and well-being. Be sure to research everything that is available to you so you can make informed decisions regarding your care.

Summer Roadtrip 2019 - 1st Stop: St. Michael in Lungau, Austria

We started off our summer roadtrip one rainy Saturday. First stop of this trip: St. Michael in Lungau, Austria. St. Michael in Lungau is Salzburg's vacation paradise, surrounded with lush mountains offering a variety of hiking opportunities for families, and deep-blue idyllic mountain lakes. 

We stayed at a family run apartment in St. Martin, with a view of the mountains and just very near the Sonnenbahn.  The Sonnenbahn will take you up to 2,0000 meters above sea level, a great starting point to explore the Speiereck mountain on foot or see the mountain lakes in the area.

Good hiking shoes are needed if you want to go further but sports shoes will suffice if you just want to take a leisurely walk, see the alpine cows lazily grazing on the mountains. There is a restaurant and alpine hut called the Peterbaueralm where you can enjoy traditional Austrian food or stay the night if you somehow ended up still in the mountains and it has already gotten dark.

On our first full day in St. Michael, we went up Speiereck. It was very foggy when we got there but the skies cleared up while we were hiking. It was amazing how the mountains would clear up one moment and then with just a gust of wind be all covered up in fog the next. We brought our french bulldog with us of course and she had a lot of fun up in the mountains. Dogs need of course to always be kept on the leash since there are alpine cows in the area. The cows were very calm creatures but if they see other animals, they might see them as a threat and could then pose a danger to people.

It was a great day up, taking in the breathtaking view of the mountain, with its fresh and cool mountain air, a wonderful experience for the entire family. It was tiring but we all had a wonderful time. Another adventure awaits on the next day.

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