Friday, July 31, 2020

Maintenance Tips To Get the Most From Your Equipment

Owning powerful tools will not do you any good if you don’t take care of your equipment. From proper storage to regular cleanings, there are a number of critical steps to take when it comes to preserving your resources for the long haul. From air compressors to power tools, you can accomplish a lot with your equipment by dedicating yourself to maintenance. Consider these tips to get the most from your investments.

Inspection Is Key
You can’t take any important steps toward fixing a problem if you don’t know what the issue is in the first place. If you’re going to show proper care for your equipment, start by developing the habit of conducting routine inspections. Before using any tool, take time to look at it and note any signs of wear and tear. Spotting a problem in advance in this way is the best way to avoid an issue while using the equipment and fix it before it gets worse.

Pay Attention To Filtration
Many complicated pieces of equipment rely on filters in order to operate. If you’re dealing with such a piece of machinery, you definitely want to get into the habit of changing the filters on a regular basis. A clogged filter can cause equipment to work harder than needed to achieve simple tasks, causing additional wear and increasing the odds of a breakdown. Look for compressed air filters Sunrise FL and get a replacement whenever you require one.

Know When To Fold
No matter how excellent a piece of equipment was when you first purchased it, there will come a day when it has served its purpose. When you can no longer use a tool to the fullest, it is time to find a replacement. Understand when to throw in the towel and it can help you immensely.

There are a number of ways to go about taking care of the equipment you invest in. Learn more about proper maintenance techniques for each tool you own and it will help you figure out the right course of action for your needs.

Protect Your Devices from Lightning Damages

With summer comes extreme temperatures, and with it, the approach of the storm season. Sometimes, it comes so suddenly that we are caught off guard and forget to protect our network devices at home. 
Learn how to protect your router and other devices from surge damage so that lightning and thunder don't catch you unprepared.

Even if the lightning doesn't strike directly, but rather in the immediate vicinity, overvoltage can cause disruptions in the power and telephone network. The connected devices such as routers or telephone systems can also be damaged.

Here are a few tips for you so that the next thunderstorm passes you by without leaving a trace.

Tips on how to protect your equipment from lightning damage
  • During thunderstorms, disconnect all devices from the power and telephone network. Just unplug all the appliances.
  • A multiple socket allows you to disconnect all appliances from the mains supply at the same time with just one plug. Important: Only switching off the toggle switch does not protect against damage caused by lightning and overvoltage.
  • Sockets with integrated surge protection offer additional protection. For further information, please contact your local electrical store, DIY store or electrician.
  • After a thunderstorm, switch the equipment back on and check all functions.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Common Signs You Need a New AC System

Is it time to install a new air conditioning system? This is a good question and one you need to consider carefully. After all, there is no reason to invest in this new unit if it isn’t really needed.

The good news is, there are usually tell-tale signs that you need to replace your system and contact a professional AC contractor Gainesville.  

No Cool Air or Limited Airflow
This is one of the most obvious indications that your AC is having issues. If you turn the unit on and the air isn’t cold within a few minutes, it likely means it is not operating efficiently. The issue may also be clogs in your ducts or piping. These issues can also restrict airflow and they won’t resolve alone. No matter the cause of the problem, if there is a lack of air flow, it is a tell-tale sign you have a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Moisture Buildup
Every AC unit will create some level of moisture. However, if you unit is functioning properly, this should not cause any serious problems. If there is moisture present or if there is a leak near your AC, it may be due to a refrigerant leak. This means the system will underperform, but it will also create a serious risk for you and everyone in your home. Even if it is only water that is building up, if the issue continues, it may begin to grow mold.

Don’t ignore signs of a problem. They will only get worse and cost more to have repaired. If you do need to replace your unit, the best thing you can do is contact the professionals. They will ensure you get the quality results you need and that the system will continue operating properly through they years.

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag

Pregnant and now on your third trimester? Now is the time to slowly prepare for the big day. It is important to prepare your hospital bag before your contractions start so that you have everything that you would need already packed and ready in the car. It would be very inconvenient if you forgot important documents at home. / grinvalds
So what do you need to pack? Here are some things that you will definitely need in your hospital bag:

For childbirth, you should pack the following:
- Mother's passbook and health insurance card: this is important as it contains all the important data about your pregnancy, the tests and screenings done on you and the baby, as well as the results, and of course it records your routine checks with your gynecologist / midwife.
- your birth plan if there is any
- Marriage certificate or your and the father's birth certificate if you are unmarried
- 2 long comfortable night shirts / summer dress with buttons up front
- comfortable pants
- slip on shoes and warm socks
- lip balm
- massage oil
- things that will help you relax like books, music, etc.
- personal care and hygiene products
- camera / music player, headphone and charger

For your hospital stay after childbirth:
- documents for the registration of baby's birth
- night shirts / dresses with front opening for breastfeeding
- bathrobe
- comfortable clothing
- nursing pads
- underwear
- absorbent sanitary pads (no tampons!)
- nursing bra
- personal care items, towels
- smartphone with charger
- some money for the vending machine
- necessary medication if you are taking them

For your partner: Your partner or husband also needs to pack for his provisions especially if it is going to be a long night. He should also pack a set of clothes to change into, comfortable ones since it is going to be warm in the delivery room. Food and refreshments should come in handy. You can also inquire at the hospital or clinic where you can buy provisions.

For your baby: You should also pack separately for your baby. Hospitals will not allow you to leave with the baby if you don't have baby seat in the car so be sure to have one when the baby is ready to home. You will also need:
- diapers
- baby clothes, a strampler is perfect
- baby socks or shoes, baby cap and mittens
- a light or a warm jacket depending on the weather / season
- cotton cloths / blanket

These should be ready at least 4 weeks before your due date because you never know when your baby will come. Surprises will always come along the way even if both you and the baby are all healthy and your pregnancy is also going in the right track. This way, you will not forget anything and will not panic when the time comes.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Welcoming a New Child

Children are a joy. They bring light, energy, and laughter to any household. But new babies, especially for first-time parents, can bring many unexpected hurdles and obstacles as mothers and fathers begin the magical journey of parenting. All adults should plan ahead in these three key areas before bringing a new baby home.

Safe Space
Babies need to arrive home to a safe environment free of hazards. This includes not only childproofing a home, with necessities such as outlet plugs, safety gates, and more but also ensuring the baby feels safe and secure in his or her designated sleeping space. Before bringing a newborn home from the hospital, parents should carve out a designated nursery space, preferably a room that can adapt and grow with the child over time as he or she transitions from an infant to a toddler. Guardians should make sure a crib, changing table, rocking chair, and comfortable carpets are placed on the floor for the baby to play. Of course, parents should ensure the nursery is well-stocked with diapers, clothes, bibs, and other baby necessities.

Health and Heart
Once a baby arrives home, it will soon be time for initial checkups at the doctor to assess growth and development while administering shots and vaccines for a healthy life. Parents should research pediatricians in their area and meet with physicians ahead of time to determine a mutual fit.

Loving Care
Before parents know it, it will be time to venture out on their first solo outing after bringing a new baby home. Whether it be an appointment, work, or a date night, parents should plan ahead and secure reputable, trustworthy childcare long before the bundle of joy arrives home. New families can screen in-home babysitters, interview nannies, or consider infant care Tampa to provide care for new babies. Regardless of the choice, childcare workers must be loving, experienced, and dependable to watch over newborns.

New babies bring life and excitement to the world. By planning ahead with care all parents will be ready to welcome their baby home.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Why You Should Dine Al Fresco All Summer Long

When is the last time you took the opportunity to eat outside on a balmy summer evening? Dining in the great outdoors, or al fresco, is one of the greatest pleasures of this short-lived season. If you're still eating dinner in front of the TV every night, you're truly missing out. Here are four fun reasons that take-out food should mean from your kitchen to the backyard.

It Makes You Feel Amazing
Nothing feels quite as relaxing as kicking back and eating outside on a beautiful night. When the sun starts to set and you feel that warm, soft breeze, it's the perfect setting for a light meal and cool beverages, especially after a long day. Adding a few candles and some good friends makes it the perfect opportunity to catch up over a leisurely meal. When the crisp temperatures return in the fall, these are the evenings you'll remember.

You Can Use Cool Utensils
Dining outdoors gives you a great excuse to use all those fun and colorful utensils you never get to use inside. Setting your tables with sparking pitchers, drinks in nostalgic canning jars and summer salads served with Custom Tongs By LoTech makes every night seem like a party. Using these attention-grabbing pieces are just right for an evening of entertaining.

Smells Stay Outside
Dining outside usually means grilling, so it's the perfect time to cook all those smelly foods you'd rather avoid in your kitchen. Think grilled salmon, blackened catfish and smoked meats. Even grilling hamburgers outside can save you a ton of greasy clean-up inside your house. When you're whipping up meals outdoors, no food is off limits so cook to your heart's content!

More Space to Entertain
In this time of social distancing, eating outside is the perfect solution to hold a small, safe get-together. There's so much more room outside and lots of fresh air to boot. Dining al fresco on your patio gives you ample space to maneuver around without feeling crammed into a small space. It also provides plenty of room to set up tables of food and beverage without having to rearrange your house.

It Feels Like Vacation
Summer goes by way too fast. The wonderful thing about the season is that you don't have to go any further than your own backyard to feel like you're on vacation. Dining outside this summer will give you a chance to cook up a storm, entertain guests and use your favorite cooking gadgets, so plan on it tonight!

Last Day High

Today is my last day at work before I go on my maternity protection leave with subsequent parental leave. The day started as always, I came in later than my supposed official time, but my colleagues understand my situation and I am very thankful for their flexibility. This momma is getting slower and slower, as the day of her due date nears. Anyway, I checked on my emails first to see if there were some urgent matters that need attending to. There was none. Then I went on as usual with my work: inputting orders into our system, making sure orders are made, and confirmed orders to customers. There really wasn't that much work, except to have my email account set-up so new messages will officially be forwarded to my colleague so that she will not always have to look into my incoming mails. Then I made some calls in the office in relation to my leaving, so that all will go well. I also got some calls from colleagues who were on home office, wishing me a good and safe delivery and a healthy baby. I also started doing my "farewell" rounds, so that I wouldn't have do a big round at the end of the day and exhaust myself doing it.

Then it was time for lunch. I always look forward to lunches at our canteen. The food is always served fresh, cooked and served on the same day. And for a very good price at that. Some colleagues also came by my table to wish me well. Atfer lunch, I went do some quick farewell to our boss and to the management. 

Such a sweet and wonderful surprise from my colleagues at work.
I went back to my work desk, and then my colleagues from our department came with a surprise gift in hand. It was really a wonderful, beautiful surprise, I was so moved I had to stop myself from crying. I will truly miss my colleagues in my department, they have always been so supportive of me and they taught me a lot. Although I have a different background, I was really able to fit in with the group and formed a harmonious relationship with all of them. To think I am the only one with an Asian background and all of them are Germans. 

This was the content of the gift package: a stuffed toy, a card with my colleague's signatures,
a set of overall and bib, and two gift cards loaded with money.
I was so happy, I can use it to buy my baby's diapers and Co. 
Soon it was time to say goodbye. It felt exhilerating and at the same time sad to be taking my leave. Don't get me wrong. I am very happy and excited to face this new phase in our life but it just felt weird somehow to leave as if I will not be coming back. But I will be back, when all goes well after a year. It is weirder because of the pandemic. You cannot just give your colleague a hug or shake their hands as a gesture of thanks and saying farewell. But I will be back. It is just a brief farewell after all and not a goodbye. 

Different Ways to Make Your Yard Look Awesome

Owning a home can be a lot of work, especially when you have a lot of property. However, there are still some basic things you can do to keep your yard looking awesome all the time.

Hire a Landscaper
Whether you need someone to trim the lawn once a week or are looking for a complete overhaul on your landscape design, hiring a landscaper could be a good thing for your yard. Search in your area for a local contractor who can accomplish the tasks you want to be done. For instance, some companies only mow lawns while others, such as SecureTurf NC will take care of all your landscaping needs.

Plant Stuff
 A good looking yard is full of life. Plant some shrubs or tall bushes around your front door. Put some flowers in sunny spots around the yard. If you want to go for a more native look, research what to plant in your area. Remember to always put your plants in good soil and water them frequently, especially when it is hot out.

Trim Trees
It's great to have trees and tall bushes in your yard, but these plants can quickly get out of control if you don't keep an eye on them. Trim any tree branches that are close to your house or sit over your neighbor's yard. Keep your hedges at a consistent height. Remove any vines you find creeping around your yard. You will be able to handle most of this work with a good pair of long clippers and a hand saw. However, you may also want to invest in some power tools for your trimming jobs.

Pull Weeds
If you have plants in your yard, you will also have weeds. Weeds are your enemy if you want your yard to look nice. Luckily, they are easy to spot and can easily be pulled out of your garden beds. You may want to invest in stubborn weeds that grow in your walkways and driveway.

Rake Leaves
Get any dead leaves up. While you may think they look pretty sitting on your lawn, they are blocking the sun from reaching your grass. A good raking session or using a leaf blower will get these leaves off your grass and keep it looking good all year.

If you want to keep your yard looking great, but don't want to do a lot of hard work, these chores are good for you. Doing things as simple as hiring a landscaper, planting flowers, trimming trees, pulling weeds, and raking leaves will make your yard look awesome.

Why You Should Attend a Birth Preparation Course

It has been years since I had my first child and I belong to that group of pregnant women who are categorized as a "risk pregnancy" patient because of age. :)

I am generally a very calm, cool and composed person, but with my advanced age, I also cannot help but worry about giving childbirth at this age. True, many women get pregnant at a later stage in life and medical technology has advanced further making childbirth at this stage safer for both child and mother. But still...

That is why I find it important to be more prepared than ever of what is to come. With the complications that go with a late pregnancy, a childbirth preparation course is what expectant moms like me need. For first-time moms, taking a childbirth preparation course also makes sense.

What To Expect at a Childbirth Preparation Course
This course helps women, and also also men, to prepare for childbirth, emotionally and physically. It helps women emotionally, when they better understand what happens to their body during childbirth. Questions like how does childbirth take place, how do you know when you will have the baby, or what does the baby do during childbirth in your tummy, and what do mommies feel physically. All these questions will be answered by an experience midwife during the course.

It also oftentimes helps expectant fathers, when they know the possible ways to help their spouses: small handles, for example, that relieve the pain of labor a little, breathing techniques that can be done together with their wife, etc.

A visit to the delivery room is also an important part of many childbirth preparation courses. To be able to see what the deelivery room looks like, how it feels to be there, takes away much of the anxiety of many pregnant women.

Another ground for worry for most pregnant women is the physical stress brought about by childbirth. But in a childbirth preparation course, one learns how to breathe in a contraction or with the help of which movements you can relieve the floor of your pelvis and push the birth a little forward. The midwife will also show you the different birthing positions and explain the possibilities for pain relief such as peridural anaesthesia or acupunture.

Furthermore, a birthing class not only teaches about birth preparation, but also teaches about what to do with the first moments with your baby: how to change diapers and clothes, how to properly hold the baby, etc.

These are just some of the reasons why a birthing class makes sense. With these,  I hope you will also consider taking one for your own peace of mind.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

4 Simple Ways to Keep Your House Germ Free During the Pandemic

COVID-19 has caused nearly everyone to spend much more time at home than usual, and this means that your home is likely dirtier and more full of germs than ever before. If you are worried about the germs in your home multiplying, here are 4 simple things that you can do right now to keep your house virus free.
Wash Sheets at Least Once a WeekYou spend a great majority of your time at home in your bedroom, so it is essential that you keep items like sheets as clean as possible. Wash your sheets and bedding at least once a week to keep germs at bay. Once you have run your sheets through a wash cycle, dry them on high heat to kill any viruses that are lingering.
Deep Clean Your Carpets
Simply vacuuming your carpets occasionally is not enough. Hire a service to perform deep Carpet Cleaning Denver to steam out germs and grime that is lurking below the carpet's surface. This is especially important to do if people wear shoes in your home, since shoes are carriers of all different types of dirt that could make you ill.
Disinfect Phones and Other AppliancesYour cell phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat, according to Time Magazine. Consider how often you touch your phone and other appliances in your home, such as computers, cooking appliances, and even light switches. Though cleaning supplies are in short supply and are tough to find right now, do what you can to sanitize things that you touch frequently so that germs are not inadvertently spread to others. Also be sure to disinfect any high-traffic areas in your home daily, such as kitchen counters and desks. 

Store Your Toothbrush SafelyIt is easy to get into the routine of simply leaving your toothbrush on the bathroom vanity when you are finished brushing your teeth, but this is a breeding ground for germs. Instead, place your toothbrush upright in a toothbrush holder so that the bristles are not making contact with any surface that could be dirty. If you do not have a toothbrush holder, at least put it in a drawer so it is not sitting on a counter and susceptible to infection.

Keeping your home germ free while quarantined may seem daunting, but it is possible. Ensure that you are cleaning as often as you can and you won't have to worry about viruses invading your space. 

How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog?

Do you give your dog a bath regularly? How often is often? This question has been nagging me for some time now. Reading through recommendations of veterinarians as well as asking friends who also have dogs, I learned that there really is no rule as to how frequent you should give your dog a bath. It all depends on your dog's activity and whether it sleeps with you in bed. 

But when and why should you bathe your dog? Most dog owners think that it is high time to bathe them when they get stinky. But this should not only be the time to bathe them. Dogs should get a bath because most of them love to get dirty. When they are outside, they love to run around, get covered in mud, roll around on the ground and in something stinky, or worse, dead (!). Giving your dog a bath on a regular basis actually helps promote healthy skin and coat. By removing excess dander, dirt and oils, the hair follicles are stimulated, resulting to a healthy dog hair and skin. Dogs that have chronic skin problems would require more frequent baths than usual using medicated shampoo.

For indoor dogs, a good bath once a month is the rule of thumb. For stinky dogs, at least once in two weeks is a good frequency or as needed. Caution should be taken though. Because over-bathing your dog is also not good because it could result to dry skin, flaking and can negatively impact the natural oils on their coat. When bathing your dogs, use a dog shampoo that is perfume-free, hypoallergenic and has aloe and oatmeal in it. These ingredients have a soothing effect and help condition your dog's skin.

So there you have it! For a good-smelling pooch, a healthy skin and shiny coat, give your dog that much deserved bath it needs. Your dog will thank you for it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Gifts for People Who Say They Want Nothing

It is always frustrating to ask someone what they want for a specific holiday, and they answer the dreaded "nothing." Although a few might genuinely want nothing, most do want a gift. They either don't know what they want or can't think of a gift that they need. Instead of making the mistake of not giving anything, try one of these simple gifts.
BouquetsWhen in doubt, many gift-givers stick with their go-to option and order bouquets online Boston MA. Bouquets are one of the more perfect gifts; there is a wide variety of different types, sizes, colors and styles of flowers grown in hothouses year-round. You don't have to know the person's favorite to pick one.

Flowers can represent friendship, love or just a thank you. Some bouquets can last for weeks if they are cut with proper care. Many florists will be happy to help you pick the right flowers for the right occasion.
PlantsFor those who don't like flowers that don't last, you can always send a plant or foliage collection that does not require a lot of care. Plants are symbols of friendship and life. Even if the person you are giving to doesn't have a green thumb, there are beautiful plants that come with care guides and don't require much attention.

You can find a plant for their office, home or patio. There are plants for every occasion and type of person. With a little research, you can find a plant that suits any personality. One of the best parts about giving plants is that some of them last for years, offering your friend or relative a reminder that you care.
Edible BouquetsEdible bouquets are an excellent gift for those who can't have traditional live plants because of pets or allergies. These are usually filled with a variety of sweet treats and fruits. A florist or specialist individually crafts each one to suit the person receiving the gift.

They often have something for every season, holiday and taste. You can order a pumpkin spice basket or a spring fruit Easter arraignment. You could also choose a balloon-filled candy basket for a birthday, or a healthy fruit and nut combination as a get well thought.

You can individually tailor these plants or bouquets for the person you have in mind. Even without knowing a lot about the person, you can pick the perfect gift for the person that says that they want nothing.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Of Pregnancy and Swollen Feet

It is very common for pregnant women to have edema, water storage in the body which is characterized by swollen feet, swollen hands and even face. This  especially in the third semester of pregnancy. It is unpleasant most of the time, because it is difficult to put on your favorite shoes let alone fit into them and walking can also be difficult. The swelling is worst at the end of the day, after long periods of standing or stitting, especially on warm days. Sometimes you also feel a tightening and prickling of the underarms and hands, even the rings on your fingers become very tight. The swelling could also bring about pain and cramps in the night, which happens to me every now and then.

So what can you do to ease the swelling and discomfort?

1. Wear medical compression stockings / socks. This is very effective in reducing the swelling and should be worn at the beginning of the day, right after you take a shower. Through the compression stocking, the blood circulation is controlled and helps to avoid heavy legs. Most compression stockings are made to order so that you get the correct measurements. And because the swelling on both legs are not the same, having them made to order ensures that each leg is getting the right compression.

2. Raise your legs every now and then. If you sit or stand for the most part of the day, raising your legs every now and then will allow for a better circulation and allows your feet to relax. Be sure to find a comfortable position though especially if you are in the later stage of your pregnancy.

3. Soak your feet in lukewarm water. A good foot soak in lukewarm water with Dead Sea salt in it also helps ease swelling. Be sure that the waster reaches up to your calves. The lukewarm water helps in circulation.

4. Massage your feet with the help of lavender cypress oil. This has a cooling effect and should be done right after your foot soak. Massage your feet first and work your way up to the ankles, calves, knees and thighs. The cooling effect helps to reduce the flow of blood down to your feet.

5. Eat a good balanced diet. A good balanced diet that is by no means low in salt has a positive influence on the course of the pregnancy and can, in many cases, prevent or alleviate edema.

6. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Proper hydration is important. It is also not advisable to restrict your salt intake unless your doctor advised it. The common notion that you should drink less and avoid salt in your diet when you have edema is medically outdated, because this does not help and can even worsen the problem.

7. Pay attention to regular exercise. Recommended for pregnant women are walks and swimming. Staying in the water is helpful because the hydrostatic pressure of the water can push back the edema.

8. Taking alternating showers or baths. Alternating showers or baths, combined with a subsequent brush massage using a soft massage brush or a massage glove, stimulate the blood circulation and thus the transport of fluids in the body.

9. Cucumber face mask for your swelling face. If your face is swollen during pregnancy, this can be taken cared of with a cooling cucumber mask. On cleansed face, simply lay thinly sliced cucumbers or you can puree the cucumber and mix it with low-fat curd cheese and apply.

These are just some of the tips that can help ease or reduce edema during pregnancy. Do you have other tips? Then do share in the comments below and I will update the list.

Have a healthy and safe pregnancy!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to Choose a Bible Study

Bible studies encourage you to explore God’s Word and apply it to your life. Before you choose your Bible study resource, choose a lesson that is from a reputable author, meets your level of spiritual maturity and available time and applies to your life.

You may search through studies offered by authors you admire or that are recommended. However, check any Bible study author’s credentials and doctrine or beliefs. Spend more time in God’s word than the study author’s words.

You may also choose to study a specific book of the Bible based on its author.

Available Study Time
Determine how much time you can set aside each week to study your Bible, and choose a study that meets these time requirements. For example, you may choose a study that requires 10 minutes per day or 1 or more hours 1 day per week depending on your weekly schedule.

Spiritual Maturity
If you are a new Christian, you may choose lessons on how to study the Bible. However, if you have some biblical knowledge and understand the stories of the Bible, you may choose to dig deeper into specific topics, such as effective prayer, prophesy or expanding your faith.

If you have a general question about Christianity, God or something you heard preached, this question may also be a good place to start.

Application to Your Life
Do you have a current need in your life that you want to address or future expectations that you want to prepare for? For example, are you planning to get married and want more information about effective Christian marriages, or are you preparing for children and want to learn godly parenting skills?

Every Bible study should be immediately applicable to your life and cause your faith to grow. However, a topic you are passionate about will encourage you to complete the study.

You may choose a Bible study because you admire a specific author. Your available time and spiritual maturity may also dictate the study you choose. Finally, you may choose a study that applies to a chosen part of your life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

New Attractions in Tripsdrill

Amusement or theme parks have started reopening their doors to the public with the relaxation of restrictions because of the Corona virus pandemic. Hygiene regulations, social distancing rules, and sneezing and cough etiquette are of course in place and must be observed to protect both visitors and staff of these amusement parks. With the number of guests allowed to enter the amusement parks limited to a certain figure, the traffic inside the parks, especially the lines to main attractions, is also lessened.

Tripsdrill in Cleebronn reopened this season last 29th May until the 1st of November and is open from 9.00 am until 6.00 pm. But what's new with Tripsdrill amusement park when it opened its doors again to the public?

There are actually 3 Attractions which opened this season: 2 roller coaster rides, the "Hals-über-Kopf" & "Volldampf" opened in June 2020, and the relatviely new adventure playground Spielewelt "Sägewerk" opened in June 2019.

The "Hals-über-Kopf" roller coaster ride will get you screaming your heart out as it takes you to 4 rollovers!
"Hals-über-Kopf": The Head Over Heels Roller Coaster Ride
This is a newly developed type of hanging roller coaster with four rollovers. Its course crosses several times with the course of the new family roller coaster "Volldampf". Both rides deliver a breathtaking competition.

The theme of this ride goes back to the "Seven Swabians" - a story that has been rooted in Swabia for centuries. The Seven Swabians once set the goal of tracking down a terrifying monster on Lake Constance. Armed with a huge lance, they embarked on a daring adventure. The monster turned out to be a hare, however, who jumped away in alarm when the Seven Swabians rushed toward him. The new roller coaster therefore bears the name "Hals-über-Kopf", refering not only to the rash heroic stories of the Seven Swabians, but also to the four so-called rollovers, which are the unique selling point of this new ride.

To ride, you need to be at least 6 years old (accompanied by an adult) and at least 120 cm. From 8 years old and above, are allowed to ride alone. 

The "Volldampf" family roller coaster ride with its steam locomotive design.

"Volldampf": The Full Steam Family Roller Coaster Ride
This new family roller coaster ride not only goes forward, but also downhill in a backwards shot.

The design of this family roller coaster was inspired by one of the best-known Swabian folk songs: the Swabian Railway. Created at the end of the 19th century, the song is about a turbulent journey on the Swabian Railway from Stuttgart via Ulm and Biberach to Durlesbach. The railway line is now fictitiously continued in Tripsdrill, with a steam locomotive design from the 19th century and several compartments. Full steam ahead!

To ride, you need to be at least 4 years old (accompanied by an adult) and at least 95 cm. Children from 8 years old and above are allowed to ride alone.

The play world "Sägewerk" with over 250 game elements on 1400 square-meter area.

Spielewelt "Sägewerk": "Sawmill" Play World
This huge adventure playground on 1400 square meter area has around 250 game elements and is considered as one of the largest adventure playgrounds in Southern Germany. It is strategically situated right next to the wooden roller coaster "Mammut", inviting both children and adults alike to climb, slide, sand and splash around with water. It has nine partially covered play areas, a climbing tower that reaches up to a height of almost 15 meters, an over ten meter long network bridge and an almost eight meter high spiral slide - everything just spectacular! The little ones in particular will never be bored as there are numerous possibilities to play with sand and water. Even the young at heart will also be refreshed here.

So the next time you visit Tripsdrill, be sure to try these new attractions. I wish you an enjoyable visit!

Photos taken from the Tripsdrill official website.

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