Monday, October 14, 2019

What's Happening in October in Stuttgart?

We are already halfway through the month of October, but it still has lots to offer for both young and old. Here are some events and activities that the City of Stuttgart and its neighboring cities has to offer this fall season:

1. Kürbisaustellung (Pumpkin Festival) at Blühendes Barock in Ludwigsburg
The annual pumpking festival runs until November 03, 2019. This year's theme: The Fantastic World of Fairytales. If you grew up enjoying the tales of the Grimm Brothers for example, then the giant pumpkin exhibit is a must! Lots of activities are in store for visitors: halloween pumpkin carving, music, story telling, pumpkin gourmet creations, and lots more. Entrance fees: 9,00€ for adults, and 4,50€ for children from 4-15 years old.

Giant pumpkin sculture of Peter Pan and Tinkerbelle. Sculpture by Pit Ruge.
Photo taken from Blühendes Barock website.

2. Culmination of the Remstal Garden Show:
For 164 days the Remstal became a unique experience, opening up new paths, testing new formats and making new encounters possible. With it, the communities and cities around the Remstal became closer more than ever. To culminate, an inter-community closing ceremony will take place in Waiblingen on 20.10.2019. In the evening, Waiblingen lights up, with the city center bathed in a colorful sea of lights. A fireworks display forms the brilliant finale of the event and the Remstal Garden Show 2019.

3. Halloween at the Wilhelma: 
It is Halloween at the Zoo on 31.10.2019! Children and teenagers until 18 years old in costumes have free entrance to the park. Wilhelma transforms into a Halloween town with spooky lights, a dim atmosphere, scary silhouettes and creepy decorations. Special Halloween program from 11:00 - 20:00. 

These are just some of the things that you can do with your family this month of October in Stuttgart. I wish you lots of fun and enjoyment with the whole family! 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Safety Tips for Aging Loved Ones

More and more seniors are deciding that they want to grow old in the comfort of their own home. As your loved one ages, however, safety becomes a major concern. If your parents or other loved one has decided to remain in their Denver home, here’s how you can ensure their safety.

Reduce the Injury Risk
Older adults are at an increased risk for falls, which can result in serious injuries or death. Make some adjustments to the home to help reduce the risk. For instance, you can install grab bars and non-slip mats in the bathroom, convert the bath into a walk-in shower, and place a bench by the front door. Also make sure that the driveway, walkways, and porch are free from potential hazards.

Improve the Lighting
Many seniors have a harder time seeing, which can increase the risk of accidents. Ensure that your loved one’s home is outfitted with proper lighting. Install additional lighting in halls and stairways. To help your loved one find light switches, you can install plates that glow in the dark.

Install Locks and Security
You want to make sure that your loved one is secure in their home. Install quality locks on their doors and windows. You may also want to consider a security system and a way for your loved one to easily call for help if they need it.

Check In
Check in frequently with your loved one. Visit when you can. Call often. If you can’t be there to check on your loved one yourself, look into memory care denver. This way, you can ensure that your loved one is being looked after when you aren’t able to be there yourself.

Just because your loved one is getting older, that doesn’t mean they can’t do so at home. With just a few simple adjustments, you can help to ensure their safety and your peace of mind.

Ramen 8: Japanese Ramen Bar

The days and nights are getting colder, and what better way to ward off the cold than filling your tummies with the hot, savory goodness of Japanese Ramen. It is not easy to find a ramen shop in Stuttgart, especially if you are looking for authentic Japanese ramen. Thankfully, Ramen 8 finally opened its doors in Stuttgart.

S was very happy with her Ramen. Here, she was almost finished with her bowl...
We were too excited to eat we forgot to take a photo of the served ramen! :) 
Located along the Bohnenviertel in Eberhardstrasse, this unassuming ramen shop serves different ramen soup bases served with hand-made wheat noodles, a choice of tenderly cooked, roasted pork (Chasu), chicken fillet, or tempura or just vegetables for the Vegetarians. There are also various side dishes that you can add to your meal like gyoza (dumplings with vegetables), yakitori (chicken barbecue on a stick), tempura (deep-fried shrimps) among others.

They also serve Japanese beer, best paired with edamame (blanched soy beans), as well as genmaicha, which is a green tea preparation with roasted brown rice.

So, if you are in the mood for some Japanese comfort food, head on over to Ramen 8! A plus: the staff always has a smile, makes sure everything is okay, and very nice! 

Location: Eberhardstrasse 47, Stuttgart Mitte
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 11:30 - 15:30 and 17:30 - 22:30 and Saturday, 11:30 - 22:30.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Preparing Yourself To Welcome a New Baby

Finding out that you are expecting a child for the first time is a moment unlike any other. You may be filled with wonder and dread, excitement and concern all at the same time. It's fun to buy baby clothes, set up the nursery and get ready for baby to come, but consider some of these tips taking care of you as well.

Medical Care
You might be amazed to learn that there is are many women never visit a doctor or midwife during their pregnancies. Whatever their reasons, it is essential to get early and regular care during your pregnancy, not only for the baby, but also to ensure a healthy mommy during and after delivery. Things like high blood pressure and water retention can alert your midwife to potential problems early, allowing time to correct the situation.

Choose a Facility
The staff at any given facility are the first humans your baby will come in contact with and the ones who will help you deal with any pain and nervousness you may have as you go into birth mode. Visit the midwives at the pregnancy care center Tampa FL residents rely on for a good birth experience to see how they can help you when your time comes.

Care and Feeding
The importance of caring for yourself while you are expecting a child cannot be over emphasized. Getting adequate amounts of quality sleep including naps will help you cope better emotionally and allow your body the reserves it needs to do the hard work of growing a child. Fresh fruits and vegetables and plenty of good clean water are essential to provide vitamins, nutrients, and energy needed during pregnancy. Exercise or stretches according to what your midwife feels is safe for you can improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and can stimulate a feeling of well-being.

Don't take this time for granted. Growing a child takes a lot of work and effort on your body's part. Take care of yourself and you will feel healthier and happier when the big day arrives.

Suki Is Two!

It's already fall... The leaves are beginning to fall and she loves the fragrance of the autumn air.
Our little Suki just turned two last Sunday, and oh my, aren't we sooo glad that she came into our lives! Who would have thought that this wild ball of fur would turn our lives update down. We couldn't even imagine our life without her now...

Just cuddling and hanging out with family.

She is one ball of happy, wild, slimy, sweet, needy, cuddly, adorable FUR! She drools when she wants a piece of what you are eating and gives you her look that you can't resist. She loves to fart especially when you are beside her and it just STINKS A LOT! She is a springer - she would jump at you just because. She hates it when it rains and doesn't want her paws to get wet, so she could be stubborn if you force to go out for a walk on a cold rainy day. She sheds a lot, it doesn't matter what season. She snores very loud, louder even than the husband, that he can't sleep too when Suki sleeps with us. Hihi! But despite all these, we are not complaining. 

Getting a bite of her favorite snack: carrots, anyone?
She is one sweet dog - she is content to just sleep beside us whenever we hang out in the living room. She is family to us, and I am her Mama. Imagine having little kids at home who would follow you around, even to the bathroom? Suki does that too! Suki is our french bulldog. She is our family pet, but she is more than that. I guess you can say that she is our 2nd baby. And we thank God she is in our lives. May we get to spend more years with her.

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