Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm Working On It!

Losing weight can be a really tough job. I have been going to the gym, on and off that is, for a month now. And although I have seen some progress (I can already fit into some of my jeans!), they are rather insignificant because I am still too far from my target weight. Right now, I am working hard to shed some weight. When am I going to reach my target weight? That is the BIG question!

Here's my usual fitness routine:
1. Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes on the recumbent bike
2. Cardio: 50 minutes on the Cross-trainer
3. Lower ab Workout: 3 sets of sit ups or less
4. Cool Down: 10 minutes on the treadmill

I try to sweat it all out, going to the Fitness Studio at least twice a week but I guess it is not enough. I haven't gone on a disciplined diet yet and I know that in order to be successful, I have to go on a diet too. I have to cut down on my rice intake... one cup at first and then half a cup after my stomach has adjusted. I miss those days in the Philippines when I still get to play badminton with my colleagues. That was the time when I really lost weight and I was so slim. Will I make it? I hope so... I certainly hope so!

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