Friday, August 15, 2014

The Amazing Triple Fret

It was a pleasure to finally meet these three beautiful and talented ladies: Iqui, Marga and Jenny during their church concert at the Römische Katholische Erlöserkirche in Zürich, Switzerland last June. They were on a three-month European tour and I was hoping they would also perform in Germany. Unfortunately, they didn't have anything scheduled for Germany and the closest performance venue was in Zürich, Switzerland. The two and a half hour drive was worth it. 

They just play the classical guitar so beautifully... mesmerizing your very being. They played folk songs like Usahay, Leron, Leron Sinta and Si Filemon, Si Filemon, classical Spanish and contemporary songs like the Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody using various classical guitar techniques during their performance / mini-concert. 

Their playing was harmonious, captivating, emotional and just heavenly. Watching them playing, it seemed as if their classical guitars came to life. And I find myself wishing I could play so beautifully too. But I guess I am better off being at the audience. I would love it though if my man can learn to play "Usahay" similar to the Triple Fret's interpretation. I just love this classic Cebuano song. Jenny, send me a copy please? Then perhaps I could purchase my man in something from in return... like maybe another classical guitar? :)

I also got an autographed copy of their first album! It was a great accompaniment on our way home from Zürich to Stuttgart... with a stunning sunset view on the way!

Kudos ladies! And may you continue to move and captivate people with your unique musical style!  And oh, my CONGRATULATIONS for bringing home the Gold in the guitar ensemble category during the Tarrega Malaysia International Guitar Festival 2014 in Klang, Malaysia. I am one proud friend!

The Happiest 5K On The Planet

I am really not much of a runner. But I do enjoy going on walks or jogging every now and then. A friend suggested that we join The Color Run as a group and because the promotion on Social Media looked so much fun and interesting, we registered. And so on a fine Saturday in July, we readied ourself for an afternoon of colorful fun. And indeed it was! My expectations were more than met. It was more fun and interesting because I did such a "sporty" activity with family and friends. My little girl, who was very reluctant at first, also ended up enjoying the run-walk-piggyback 5K.  


People of varying age groups joined in "the happiest 5K on the planet". We passed by some old people who were still very fit to run for it. Parents with their small children on buggies. Kids who are too lazy to walk on their dad's shoulders. Well, one of them would have to be my little girl... but I still beam with pride as I recall the three of us running hand in hand as we neared the finish line. And of course a majority of young people outfitted in the official Color Run shirt worn and styled in different unique ways.  

There is no denying the photos that we had so much fun! Until next year then. I hope The Color Run, organized by Reebok, will still come to Stuttgart in 2015 so more from our circle can join.

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