Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This Bloggger Had A Haircut!

Okay. So I was late in posting my movie entry and the linky for Tuesday Couch Potatoes. And that was mainly because I had an appointment with my favorite hair dresser Ms. Loraine.

It's summer and getting hotter each day. I have a hair fall problem, which if not taken cared of promptly could lead to losing all of my hair soon! I want to save on shampoo and water. I want my shower time and hair drying time shortened. I want my hair manageable and just wash and wear. I have always had long hair most of my life and a long hair seems a little boring. I thought a short hair would make a new change. I want to be a little different for a change. And what of my long hair being sayang? Well, I am still young and I know that in a year, I will be able to grow it again.

Me and my new short hair!

The solution: cut my hair short. And that's just what I asked Ms. Loraine to do. I think she did a fantastic job with my hair. Although my face looks rounder, the new hair sytle made me look younger. And I feel lighter too. I hope with my short hair, my hair fall problems would lessen or diminish.

So, what do you think?


bambie said...

no wonder...☺

I was here earlier, around 11am local time, and TCP wasn't up yet. hihihi.

the hair suits you kikamz. ;)

Clarissa said...

Bagay sa yo ang new look mo,Mommy Kikamz!^_^

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