Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Will I Ever Get My Own?

So our old reliable Delia laptop has unfortunately shut down for good. Hubby cannot rectify it anymore. That means that when we go out of town, which will be quite frequent these days because my parents in law are here, I wouldn't have a laptop to use. That means pending tasks will have to pile up until we get back. And I hate to miss online tasks nor can I live a day without checking on my blogs. I was even wondering how I survived almost a week without blogging. My fingers were itching to type but thankfully, the wonderful sights and the experience to be with the family made it all worthwhile. After all, I am first and foremost a wife and a mom.

Another option would be to purchase a new laptop, one that I will be able to use for a long time, even until after I am done with Graduate School. We are of course planning to buy a laptop that I can use for my masteral but that is still in October. I guess purchasing one will have to be sooner than we expected. The question then is this: "Will I ever get my own dream laptop?" I have been eyeing the Apple MacBook Pro for the longest time but I doubt that we will be able to afford one this early. Maybe in October we can purchase one but July is still too early. But let's just see. I just hope sheriff will give me tasks again to add to my savings. Still keeping my fingers crossed.


grace said...


It’s my 43th bday this July 22.. I am planning to have a give-away contest.Will you be my sponsor of $3? With your sponsorship you will have a 43 weeks badge link on my three sites which are all PR 3 .Your site will be mentioned also in the contest which will run for 43 days. MY first contest was very successful, got 108 entries. I guess I will have more this time since it will be opened internationally. Please leave a message then if you are interest. Thanks

Mylene said...

I am hoping too that sheriff will have more tasks for all of us :)

Badet said...

I'm sure financial resources will come just when you need it. Who knows? You might get your dream laptop this early. =)

Jackeline Salva Cagas-Paraiso said...

got the same dream but I'll go for netbook... too handy to cary and much affordable... :)

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