Saturday, July 3, 2010

Travel Itinerary

So this lakwatsera (wanderlust) blogger is going away again, this time Milan, Italy and then in France (Marseille, Lourdes, and Paris). That's why I haven't been sleeping and blogging for a few days now because I have been preparing our travel itinerary. Hubby is just too busy at work to do the itinerary himself so I had to make it. Of course, I had to take into account that Hubby gets enough rest before we move on with your journey otherwise, he won't enjoy the places we will be going to.

I will be away for a little over a week, eight days to be exact but I will try to share some photos and update my blogs. I wouldn't want to be late for sheriff duty too. Hehe! So what's our itinerary? Here it is:

July 3 - 4: Milan, Italy (one day, one night)
July 4 - 6: Marseille, France (two days, two nights)
July 6 - 8: Lourdes, France (two days, two nights)
July 8 - 11: Paris, France (three days, three nights)
July 11: Drive back to Stuttgart, Germany

Quite a busy schedule eh? I just hope we will be able to see and visit the attractions that I have noted in our itinerary so that it will all be worth it. And I hope that Nanay and Tatay will enjoy their trip around Europe. This is just the first leg. We still have a second leg in August. Goody!


Chris said...

so this is why you aren't online! :D happy vacation and site seeing :) postcard naman heheheh :)

moonstar said...

it's my dream to go to Paris someday. hoping, wishing and dreaming. Waah, inggit ako. Lol.

Sis, who would make a link for your tuesday couch potatoes?

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