Friday, July 23, 2010

I Am A Christian!

Oooppsss!!! I did it again! I am late again for my GT entry for this week. No appetite to blog lately.. Hehe! Blame it on sheriff? Hahaha! Just kidding.

Anyway, this week's theme is: I Love Me, Spiritually.I am a practicing Catholic and not afraid to proclaim that I am one. I am not a perfect person though and I still make mistakes, make the wrong turn at times, and sometimes doubt my faith. I was educated in a Catholic University in college and the retreats and recollections I have attended allowed me to renew my faith and reflect on my spiritual well-being... this in turn drew me closer to my God. I am just lucky that my Hubby is also a religious person and that we share the same faith so that our beliefs do not clash. The Filipino communities that we belong to here also have religious affiliations in the Catholic Church so that it was not difficult to get along with them and adjusting became easier.

Prayer is an essential part of our day and we oftentimes start the day by saying the rosary. Sundays is church day, and in almost every new place that we visit, we see to it that we get to visit a church and hear mass or light a candle. When I was still single, I also got a chance to work as an assistant Campus Minister and share my faith with high school students by facilitating recollections and retreats. I also listen to religious music from time to time to give myself some quiet time. I also read spiritual books and the bible every now and then and volunteer and participate in church activities to share our talents with others.

So I guess that's about it for this week's GT. How about you? Do you consider yourself as a spiritual person?

Girls Talk

1 comment:

K said...

i agree with you marce. religious/praise and worship music is a very cheap way to unwind. super nakakagaan ng pakiramdam :)

love you dahil kahit late ka you made an entry pa rin. naiiyak ako. huhu. ;)

okay lng malate no. alam ko naman hahabol ka e. hihi

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