Friday, July 2, 2010

Mommy Moments: School Days

My little one is not yet going to school as she is only two years and four months old.. still too early for her to be going to school but come September, at two years and six months old, she will be going to the Kindergarten (a German word which literally means children's garden) to join other kids about her age.

As a mom, a child's going to school is a very great milestone because it is his/her first step out into the real world. As early as now, I try to teach her the basics: numbers, alphabet, children's songs and nursery rhymes, dance steps, phonetics and arts. At her age now, I can see what she is interested in. She enjoys books and dancing and singing and I encourage her by reading to her and giving her various books to read. I also show her how to draw things so that she is already able to identify a number of things that I draw on paper: hands, her favorite cartoon characters, flowers, rainbow, her feeding bottle, the sun and the moon, a train, animals. We also dance and sing together... that is our bonding moment. We also take her on excursions to zoos and museums and take her to many different places. We know that she doesn't understand everything yet but allowing her to see a variety of culture and places will help her to grow to be a well-rounded person.

Indeed my little baby is growing up. Soon she will be off to Kindergarten to be with other kids. I have mixed feelings about it but I know it will be for the best. At the end of the day, the world will be her playground and life experiences her teachers.

mommy moments


♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Pareho pala ang shceudle ng class diyan saka dito, kababakasyon lang ng dalawa ko,by Sept may Senior Kinder na ako. :)

rossel said...

Kids who enjoy books grow smart. by teaching her in advance, she'll be more than ready for her kindergarten.

redamethyst said...

I'm sure your daughter is so smart, she will be good in school. Exciting talaga pag papasok na sa school ang kids.

Chris said...

I am sure you are as excited as Sam! :D Hope you can join us again this week.. our theme is Kids and Bags! :)

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