Thursday, September 16, 2010

Your Real Estate Website For Free

I have a very good friend who used to be in the real estate business some years back. She had a number of very nice properties up for sale but was never really able to promote them heavily online due to a number of limitations. Really, if I had only known about web sites for realtors earlier, we would have created one and she would have been able to sell more. I must admit, online search and online shopping has become so popular that even the very simple person knows how to do it.

If you are in the real estate business and want to get  real estate web hosting, then you can instantly create one for FREE using 2Estates. This real estate website software is very user friendly and uncomplicated. I tried the demo and found it very interesting.

The software allows for the administrator or manager to have full control on how the home page should look like, manage and add more pages depending on the current need. If you want to create a custom page, you can certainly create one.

The Property Search is so designed so that potential clients can easily navigate and search for properties. The beauty about this page is that results appear without the page reloading, thanks to Ajax technology. It will also lead you to a detail page of the property that you are interested in. Clients on the other hand can leave enquiries on properties and even create new listings.

With this software, the real estate owners and agents can create listings and edit them while the website manager can edit all listings. Other important website features, like statistics, settings, listing parameters can be accessed by the website manager.

If you really look into it, it is indeed quite easy. And if I only have enough time in my hands, I could even manage a real estate business from scratch. What say you?

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