Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back To School

The Summer Vacation is almost over! In a few weeks, schoolchildren will now be returning to their schools to start another school year. For moms like me, that would mean having to shop for new school supplies and for the kids. I still don't have a school grader though but I do have a little girl who just started going to kindergarten. She could really use some more educational toys as she is more interested in movement and play. 

What I love about the kindergarten here is that they do not rush the children into learning. They are allowed to discover things for themselves, find out what interests them and will help them improve and develop it. They are taught how to clean up after making a mess, decide what they want to do and recognize when things should be or should not be done. At the moment, my little girl seems to be enjoying the games that they play at the kindergarten. I can see that she is quite interested at building and creating stuff so that some creative toys will also be helpful for her.

So I am taking a moment now to browse through ShopWiki and see if they have this scribble and write toy. This would be perfect for my little girl to learn and recognize the letters of the alphabet even if we are on the road. Shopwiki has lots more educational stuff for preschool and school children. With lots of online stores to choose from and price comparisons, online shopping for educational products, school supplies and more have never been easier.

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