Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Relocation Services

Are you an expat? Ever experienced going through the trouble of processing all the important stuff for your move to another country ALL BY YOURSELF? If you are a student, I think it is easier to move in to the university dormitories in another country and adjust to the new community because there are International Students Affairs offices available. But if you are just simply rooting out from your own country and moving to another country, that is another story. Oh, the horrors of trying to do things all by yourself. 

We are lucky though because we were able to avail the services of a relocating company, courtesy of my hubby's company. All our documents were properly taken cared of, we were assisted in opening bank accounts, renting a house, getting our internet and telephone connection, and were given an orientation as well as a tour of the city which will be our new home in the many years to come. I wouldn't know what to do should we do it all by ourselves, most expecially that the language spoken is very, very different from our language.

Thank God for relocation services.

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