Monday, March 8, 2010

Now I Can Breath!

I have been bracing myself these past few weeks... I must have been holding my breath too, figuratively of course, as I am racing against time and energy and my lust for writing. I finally reached a milestone in my blogging career today. I have pushed myself to the limit and got around to writing blog reviews for all the sponsors of Kaye and Pehpot's Joint Blogversarry Contest, from Major Sponsors down to the Level 3 sponsors.

I am happy and proud of what I have accomplished. I am thankful that the contest hosts decided to extend the contest because I was also able to finish writing my reviews and was able to give the blog sponsors the blog reviews that they so deserve. I have learned so much in this contest and also enjoyed a healthy competition with the other participants. I just hope that I did the blog sponsors and the blogs justice in all my reviews.

BUT the contest is not over yet as others are also trying to finish writing reviews. I hope that they too will make it. If you are also up for the challenge, you can still join the contest too as it will run until March 18th. Click HERE to enter today.

Oh, today is March 8th and everyone is anticipating the contest update that will be posted later today. Let's see who's on top of the list. OOOhhhhh.. the suspense is killing me!


Chris said...

im sure you will be part of the top 5 :D congratulations!

Mys said...

Congratulations Kikamz for being in the top 3. Wow!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

wah.. the contest so heat now.. nobody can rest!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

happy to see active bloggers in big contest!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah you are good with points too! hehe..

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah contest still on, you can still win!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I am terrible in find sponsors so stil trying my best

Sherry Go Sharing said...

gene and niko and red are good!

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