You have finally reached another milestone in your life... that of finishing the highest level of education that your great young minds could achieve. I salute you for all the hardwork, the resourcefulness, the determination and diligence that you have shown in order to make it till the end. I am glad that you never gave up on your dreams and plans in life.
Now that you have graduated from the Academic road, know that there's still lots to learn in life. Soon, you will all be looking for jobs in your respective careers, filled with the idealism and enthusiasm. Some of you may be lucky and be hired immediately in your chosen profession. Others may not be as lucky. With the current status of the economy the world over, I hope that you will not give up looking for the job of your yours. And if your chances of getting hired is pretty slim, I suggest that you do other things to add up to your CV. Instead of just moping around and be miserable, you can always continue on to further studies in your chosen field of study (you might even land on a job at the University to support you) or VOLUNTEER! Make good use of your time and soon, the opportunities will just come flowing.
Do not give up on your dream job. Do not give up on your plans in life. Move on. If you made it through College & University... you'll also make it in the real world. If you believe it, you can do it!
Kudos to the Class of 2010!
This is my entry for this week's Letters That I'll Never Send, hosted by Mys of Written By Mys. If you have a Graduation to the graduates of this year or to a particular someone who is graduating this year, come share it with us!

I love your letter. So encouraging and uplifting. Yay! Will try to post a tutorial for the header, or I can just lead you to the link that taught me too. Your choice.
wow sis, i love this letter.. ang galing mo talaga sumulat, very inspiring and very true talaga..
great letter!
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