Friday, March 5, 2010

Dear High School Crush,

i wonder how you are doing these days... It has been more than 15 years since I last saw you. I have a confession to make. I was so smitten by you way back in high school... As the song goes, "you had me at hello." I could just look into your eyes and drown in it. I just find you so adorable and simpatico. It was in first year high school when I felt my heart skip a beat. You instantly caught my attention. Just seeing you completes my day. And because we were classmates then, everyday is a happy day. We get along well and even thought you my friend. I was happiest when we were paired together for our mini-play in our English class. We didn't get to rehearse the last scenes because we never really got to that during our class practices. But I was in cloud nine when I heard you say that you care for me. Whether you uttered them because your role asked for it or not, I wanted to believe then that you meant them. LOL! Summer came and just when school was about to end, I almost believed that the feeling was mutual.

Things changed though when we turned second year. I was hoping we'd be classmates again but fate conspired against us. You suddenly acted as if I were a stranger to you. I wondered why... It made me sad yet I can't help myself but admire you from a distance. As a distraction, I drowned myself in academic work. I would hear about you every now and then but the news are no good because they are about you getting along well with another girl. That did not stop me from daydreaming about you though. Wishing that the circumstances were different and that we are going out together. But I guess God has a greater plan for me.

I hope all is well with you these days and that you are happy with what you are doing. I have no news from you since graduation and even if I am active in our egroups, I was too proud(?) or too shy to ask how you were. Thank you for those good old memories that leaves me feeling bittersweet. I wish I had known what you felt too but then again, it doesn't matter anymore. I am happy where I am now. I pray that you are too. God bless you A.

This is an entry for Mys' Letters That I'll Never Send. I never thought that I would be able to pull writing this one off. But I guess it's about time I let it out of my system. Hehe! So now you know me a little bit more. :D

1 comment:

Mys said...

Thanks. Like I said to Ms. Pehpot, I can open the mcklinky for you for a week. Thanks for the entry. It's so sweet and endearing. Ang swerte ng mga highschool crush. hahaha

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