Monday, March 22, 2010

Visiting the Land of Flowers

Photo source: Keukenhof website.

What better way to celebrate spring when in Europe? Visiting the Land of Flowers, of course! I am very excited for Easter to come because we will be visiting Holland... Keukenhof in particular. This is one of the most popular destinations in Europe at this time of the year. Here are some facts and figures about Keukenhof:
  • Has won prizes as Europe’s most valued attraction
  • Keukenhof is unique and famous throughout the world
  • It is one of the most popular attractions in the Netherlands and has clocked up more than 44 million visitors in the last 60 years
  • It is the largest bulb flower park in the world
  • It covers an area of 32 hectares 4.5 million tulips in 100 varieties
  • It is the most photographed place in the world
  • There are 15 kilometers of footpaths
  • It is the largest sculpture park in the Netherlands
  • The bulbs are supplied by 93 Royal Warrant Holders
  • 7 million flower bulbs planted by hand
  • More than 2,500 trees in 87 varieties
  • Walk of Fame with tulips named after famous people

I just can't wait to get aim my camera at the thousands and thousands of tulips of different colors and sizes.

And because it is an out of town trip and will require about six hours of travel by car, we have decided to stay for one night. This trip will be special because we will be traveling with our friends. As usual, I am in charge of where we're going and where we're staying. Been searching the net for good hotel deals but I have to move fast because hotels are being booked at lightning speed. Promo rates in hotel rooms are the ones taken first. I guess I am not the only one who is looking to save money.

We will be traveling by car though so that we will be able to save on airfare. I know that airfares have also gone sky high, what with the holidays and the spring season coming in at the same time. I am just glad that Hubby availed of their company's auto loans a few months after we got here in Germany. It saves me the trouble of having to find cheap flights. Without our car, I wouldn't know how we could go around Germany and Europe that easily.

So wish me luck that I may be able to accomplish this task of ticket reservations and online bookings, and that in the process, I might find great deals and savings.


Vera said...

It really pays to have your own car in Europe because you can travel most anywhere by driving! I don't drive but I really want to learn really soon. it would be easier to go places and have weekend getaways if we could just drive ourselves there, both the boyfriend and myself don't drive, you see :)

As for traveling to Europe, that is a dream for me :)

Chris said...

wow, i pray that may you be blessed! :)

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