Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Ma'am Amy,

I have never gotten around to thanking you when I was still in high school for everything that you have done for me. Did I tell you that you had such a great impact on me that I also chose to be a Chemical Engineer like you? Did I tell you that you made learning Chemistry sound so easy? You have pushed me to go beyond my comfort zone and encouraged me to strive harder and work harder. You were always strict inside the classroom but you were a friend outside of it. You appreciated my art. I always look up to you because you were "small but terrible". You are always fair and transparent when it's grade computation time. And I always admire the way you dress... :D I am very glad to have come to know you because you made my high school life a little bit more bearable despite the competition and the challenges.

I hope all is well with you Ma'am Amy. Let's keep in touch. See you on Facebook and on YM!

God bless!


Cacai M. said...

Hi, you have a great letter for your fave teacher.. chem teacher pala fave teacher mo before kaya naging chem engineering ka.. that's awesome! Mine is science & health teacher, here's my letter that I'll never send: Mine is here


Sherry Go Sharing said...

wow CE I dont idea as in school I am not allow to choose science stream, only allow study art stream as class for science only 2

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