Monday, March 22, 2010

TCP#30: Johnny English

Welcome to the March 23rd edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we post about a movie each week. I can't wait to find out what the other Couchers have featured for this week's theme: Spies & Espionage. I enjoy watching spy movies in general because of the mystery, the action, the thrill and the suspense, and the great chase that ensues as the spy is discovered or is set up. Have you got a spy movie to share? If confused over what to post, I am sure you have seen one of the James Bond movies. So that would suffice. :D

Anyway, my pick for this week: Johnny English. This came out in 2003 and is a British film that parodies the James Bond secret agent movies. It stars the famous Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson and while this film is about spies and espionage as well, you're off to a great laugh with very hilarious chasing scenes, spoofs from James Bond films, and a fun soundtrack. Although the plot is predictable and the storyline nonsensical, it is one movie that surely made me laugh out loud...

It is the tag line of the movie that made me watch it in the first place:
He knows no fear, he knows no danger, he knows nothing.

Here's the movie trailer from

So what do you think? It's hilarious and funny right? So what's your Spy Movie for this week? Come and share it with us today! Be sure to enter your TCP link URL in the MckLinky below so that others may find you too:

Thank you for joining us this week Couchers! I hope you can join us again next week for some Behind Bars movies. Hope you had fun joining! Until next Tuesday Couchers! Take care and Happy TCP!


Hazel said...

Lol! It's also exactly the tag line that made me watch this film. At first I saw Rowan Atkinson I thought 'oh he's gone action' but when I read "... he knows nothing" I bought the DVD straightaway.

I got an Easter tag for you. Hershey's is donating to the Children's Miracle Network

shydub said...

Aga ng TCP ng host tomorrow na sa akin mami kikamz.

Genefaith said...

it's absolutely hilarious to watch johnny English! i kept falling off from my chair..LOL!

Rossel said...

this movie is hilarious. my daughter loved it. she likes mr. bean so much and so she enjoyed watching this movie.

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