Monday, October 6, 2008

Look Who's Having Fun?

I have mentioned in my previous post that we went to Mama Sara's to visit and extend our condolences. And guess who is having so much fun with Elmo, Cookie Monster and the Lil Girl?

Yup! You got it right! Sam had so much fun playing with her new found stuffy friends and here are some of her photos. She was giggling and laughing so hard for the first time last night and Dad took her video. You may check the video here since I can't seem to embed a video in my posts. Sigh!

But anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos of our Sam who is now 7 months old!

Who are you, Lil Girl?

Don't let go of my hand, okay?

Just wait... let me get something first!

What big eyes you have, Elmo! And a huge mouth, too!

Hmmm... What can I do with your eyes?

Yikes!! Sam can't resist biting Elmo's eyes and nose!

I'm a good girl.... I'm hugging Elmo.

I like it here! I have Elmo and Cookie Monster and the Lil Girl to play with!


Umma said...

Hello sis… I already added your link to my list. Your baby Sam is so adorable. I have a 8.5 month old baby boy too..
Please visit my other site with baby’s post:

I will add your page as well in my other blog. Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see you more often :)

Yeung Lei said...

Hi Mummy Sam… thanks for adding this site too.. I already added you.
BTW, are you located in Japan or in Phils?

Hope we can share some insights about Mommyhood since our babies’ age
are close. Are you a SAHM too?
Take care sis.

Ad Hoc Doctor said...

ohhhhhhh your little Sam is such a sweetheart! so cute!

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