Friday, October 24, 2008

Food Friday: Seafood Pasta

food friday

Who doesn't love pasta? I guess everybody does! This one's Japanese style with red sauce and all your favorite seafood: shrimp, mussels, scallops, oysters, tako (octopus), and yes, uni (sea urchin)! It's got the unique rich taste of the seafood blended together. This very healthy and generous serving is perfect with a glass or two of ice-cold cola and some sweets on the side! Itadakimasu!

Happy Friday everyone!

Join the Food Friday meme here!


liza said...

yummy! i love seafood kaya swak sa akin ito :)

happy ff!

Mira said...

Slurp! I love seafood too ;-) This really look delicious. Happy FF and weekend!

maiylah said...

i love seafood, too! there’s this pasta dish i repeatedly order over at burgoo dahil sa halong seafoods, lol. i don’t think they add octopus or sea urchin, though. :)

thanks for playing again, K!
happy start of the week! :)

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