Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ABC Wednesday: L is for Lamppost, Lanterns, Lotus Flower

L is for Lonesome Lamppost that lines the entrance leading to the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. It was a fine day when my hubby took this photo last year. He got so bored oneƂ weekened since I have not yet arrived from the Philippines that he decided to go wandering around Tokyo. I guess the lamppost spoke a lot of what he was feeling that one fine day... LONESOME. Poor honey!

L is for these colorful Lanterns. Summer in Tokyo means festivals here and there. The summer cheer is in the air as displayed by these lanterns at Ueno Train Station. The Japanese just love the summer season because they get to don their yukatas (summer kimono) in public, go on Hanabi (fireworks) festivals at major cities, and just have fun under the sun!

Lastly, L is for this Lovely Lotus flower over at the Shinobazi Pond in Ueno. These giant lotus plants are really HUGE! So lovely to see this pond in the middle of a bustling city! A great place to relax after spending a day at the Ueno Zoological Gardens.

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Gerald said...

A lovely set of Ls

Sweeta said...

Nice collections of L photos. i love the lotus flower, look like tulip!

Lily said...

beautiful L shots!

Liz said...

he must have been very lonely! It’s a good photo but I really like the colourful lanterns.

BearNaked said...

Very clever choices and Lovely photos for ABC Wednesday.

Jay said...

Oh, I love those coloured lanterns! I’ve never seen any quite like that! And the lamp-post is nice against that clear sky.

I’ve never seen a dark pink lotus flower. Quite unusual! :)

earthlinggorgeous said...

Wow! Lots of L. awesome pics too :)

dulce said...

I loved your choices especially the lotus flower: it’s beautiful!

Neva said...

I love lamp posts and you have framed this one well.

katney said...

A nice collection fo Ls beautifully photographed.

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