Saturday, January 10, 2009

Photo Hunt: Aftermath

This is what's left of the sukiyaki which I posted yesterday. Looks like there's not much left of it except for some onion, meat slices and veggies. We were already too full by the time we finished that we can no longer take another bite. It was that good!

Join the Photo Hunt pack here.


Terri - teelgee said...

Oh, I love sukiyaki - it’s been years since I had it. I bet it was good!

Thanks for stopping by my blog to see my aftermath. We don’t often get snow here either, it was a very rare week.

Hope your week goes well.

Tarheel Rambler said...

What an original expression of today’s theme! Nicely done. And that really looks appetizing. I’m going to check out yesterday’s post, I may have found a new recipe by visiting! :D

Thanks for stopping by Tarheel Ramblings and taking the time to leave a comment.

Biker Betty said...

Looks like the aftermath of this meal was a satisfied tummy, lol. I read the previous post and it sounds pretty good. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. Great choice for this theme.

Have a great weekend!

baba's blog said...

Wow.. it must have been good to disappear so quickly…Sounds like a great dish to eat on a cold day..thanks for visiting my place today … Baba

Elaine Dale said...

too funny! Bet it was delicious.

Dianne said...

Glad it was tasty!
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

People with Cameras said...

Ohhh, that looks like it was good!

Umma said...

Whoa… you finished everything? I guess it must be good huh?

Mirage said...

Lol! From yesterday’s photo….you’d reallly see how much food was in there! :D

Jodi said...

IF that was in my pan it the aftermath would be an empty pan! Mmm…looks so good!

Vixen said...

What a great aftermath picture. Especially since you had posted the sukiyaki on Friday…Nice job.

Amanda said...

very cool idea, looks like it was good. My dog does not like it thought her name is Suki LOL!

Jade-Momma Wannabe said...

That looks yummy - nagutom tuloy ako.

Btw,I am Jade and the 2nd prize winner of Pinay Mommy Online’s contest, YAy!!!

You have sponsored 1000 EC
Please send it ecs here:

Thanks in advance.Will post about my winning soon after I received all the other prizes;)

iceah said...

yummy :9 wish to try this soon again c:

by the way need your comment on this please c:

thanx in advance c:

iceah said...

hindi yata pumasok sorry try mo ulit kung me time ka c:

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