Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Awards

No man is an island. We need companions, partners, family and friends to see us through life. No matter where we are and what we do, friends play a big role in our lives. And I am so glad to have found many in the blogosphere. I may have known them virtually but I am POSITIVELY sure that they are HUMAN and that they REAL. And I am so GLAD and HAPPY to have befriended them.

My pretty blogger friend Umma, who I get to know a little bit more each day through her posts and comments, bestowed upon me these two awards: the "Inspiring Blogger Award" and the "You Make My Day" award.

Thanks Umma for counting me as one of those people who inspire and make your day. Know that you do the same to me.

Now, I would like to give out these awards to my blogger friends who never cease to inspire me with their posts and whose visits and kind comments always makes my day:
Juliana, Enchie, Iceah, Pchi, Juliana, Niko, Cookie, Beth, Alice, Beth, Kikit, Baby Sam, Little Zoie

Happy New Year everyone!


Enchie said...

thanks!thanks! im very happy to start 2009 with these awards!

pchi said...


I am so glad you gave me these!


yeah, UP lang. ewan ko din sa boss namin.

niko said...

hugs and kisses dear kikamz.. got this too from umma but thanks to u too!! :)

anyways i posted yena’s preparation on her blog. when u have questions you can email me anytime… :)

happy happy new year dear!! take care always..

Umma said...

Hello Mommy Kikamz.. thanks for the thoughts and by posting this award.. Happy Sunday

little zoie said...

thanks, mommy kikamz!

its a nice award!

Juliana said...

Salamat!! Will post this ASAP…TC

liza said...

congrats on your well deserved awards :D

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