Thursday, January 8, 2009

All About Me From A to Z

Received this ABC tag from Mommy Ice over at Chicken Heart. Thanks mommy for remembering to tag me! Truly appreciate the thought! Hugs!

A. Attached or single? Married to the most wonderful man who ever existed!
B. Best friend? My hubby Vincent
C. Cake or pie? CAKE
D. Day of choice? SUNDAYS (hear mass with the family) and HOLIDAYS (hubby is home with us!)
E. Essential item? Rosary (my line to God) and Cellphone (my line to my family)
F. Favorite color? BLUE and GREEN
G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy bears - cuter
H. Hometown? Davao City
I. Favorite indulgence? A nice warm tub bath and full body massage
J. January or July? JANUARY
K. Kids? one adorable baby girl
L. Life isn’t complete without? God, family, laughter and love
M. Marriage date? January 3, 2007
N. Number of magazine subscriptions? NONE
O. Oranges or apples? APPLES
P. Phobias? ALWAYS have been afraid of COCKROACHES!!!
Q. Quotes? Life will always be beautiful. (Was that from a movie?)
R. Reasons to smile? Waking up early and watching my hubby and baby in deep slumber and snoring softly, children laughing, sunrises, flowers, nature's beauty, reading comments in my blog :D, lots more!
S. Season of choice? SPRING! There is so much life in the springtime with all the flowers and trees coming back to life!
T. Tag 5 people. Tagging my new found blogger friends: Amor, Beth, Phoebe, Kittykat, Enchie. Ate Shals too!
U. Unknown fact about me? I love dipping my Chippy in my ice cream! Always has been a treat for me! I love the clash of the salty and sweet taste in my mouth.
V. Vegetable? Eggplant, potatoes and broccoli!
W. Worst habit? Being to engrossed with the computer that all else is set aside! Hehe!
X. X-ray or ultrasound? I'd go for ultrasound.
Y. Your favorite foods? LOTS! chippy and ice cream, udon, hamburger steak, lechon, leche flan, adobo, pasta, sinigang, crabs and shrimps to name a few.
Z. Zodiac sign? Taurus


Enchie said...

another tag!!! will grab this thanks again!

shals said...

gai ko aning A-Z..hehehe

bhart said...

NIce tags

Enchie said...

hi kikamz! my abc tag is up already :) thanks again! have a great weekend!

liza said...

hi! thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. have a great weekend.

AGX Hosting said...

cool tag =)

kittykat said...

thanks for the tag Mommy..will do this one later..touched naman ako naremember mo ako…

kittykat said...

posted this one already mommy kikamz..

iceah said...

glad to have known things about you here c: thanx for sharing c: marami pla tayong similarity lalo na sa fav food c:

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