Thursday, January 8, 2009

She Can Clap!

Oh yes, my baby daughter Samantha achieved another milestone last night. We were playing in our bed and I was singing / teaching her "clap your hands". Each time I do this, she would just stare at me and give me her happy toothy grin. And then I would take her hands and clap them together for her. But last night was a breakthrough because she clapped her hands herself when I sang to her! I was so delighted that we spent the next 30 minutes or so clapping and me, hugging and praising her for the great job she has done!

Am excited to post her video of her very first clap! But that can wait until the morning... For now, I must get some snooze or I won't be up early...

Ah, the joys and benefits of being a hands-on Mom!


Mamapippa said...

Children are so adorable. I have one too, she’s not a toddler anymore, but a 10 (almost 11) year old girl. I can remember all the moments of fun and every new thing she could do, as if it was yesterday.
Can I ask you in wich country you live, because I am ordening my blogvisitors by country. Sorry for my curiosity …
Greetings from Belgium !

Pinay Endeavor said...

wow that’s indeed a big achievement for both parents and the child. how old is your baby? is she walking yet?

Umma said...

Another milestone reached by Sam… good to hear from you proud Momma..

Sam will be celebrating her 1st birthday, right? Is it in Feb?

Enchie said...

Isn’t it nice to witness our kid’s firsts :) nothing beats the overwhelming feeling.

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