Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where Did September Go?

The month of September seem to pass me by with a blur. So many things happened this month that I almost lost track of time. I went back to teaching English in a conversation school here and I also received some projects on transcription and translation. My blog also got approved for some paid blogging services allowing me to earn a few extra cash. My mother and brother turned a year older this month. My baby Sam turned 7 months just a few days ago and I was able to update this blog on an almost daily basis. Whew! So many things happening for me, eh?

But before I say goodbye to September, allow me to thank all of you for visiting my blog and for commenting on my posts. Special thanks go to my top 10 droppers and commenters. As a token, here's some linky love. I hope to see you all in the coming months.

Top Droppers
perfection is overrated listening for the still small voice Philippine Teen Site
Steadfast Steps for the Lord I like books Where everything matters. motherhood,personal,family
from asia to america

Top Commenters
Maiylah of Maiylah's Snippets
Zriz of Traipsey Turvey
Gunther Sunshine of Immobilien-katalog.eu
Ces of spiCes
G_mirage of Kitchenmaus
Julie of GreenBucks
Putradi of I.Do.Blog
Mousey of Say Cheese


Imitation Angel said...

Thanks for the link love. Let’s hope that October doesn’t go as fast for you =)

Tara R. said...

thanks for the linky love!

julie said...

Thanks for the link love :)

Have a fun October :)

maiylah said...

i enjoy visiting your site, K! :)
thanks kaayo for the linky love …

Putradi said...

Hey .. Thanks for the lovely link ..

—-ps:i’ve added urs too

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