This morning, I woke up to find our dearest little one snoring softly... and on her stomach. This was the first time when I found her sleeping in this position and it worried me... so much a tiny, little bit. Being a first time mom and all, who wouldn't? She might suffocate or worse... God forbid! But I read that SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) in babies at six months old and higher is no longer a threat. Whew! What a relief.
Since she has learned how to turn over, she has discovered that sleeping in this position is quite comfortable. And just look at her baby bed... all messed up probably from moving too much. She doesn't like blankets, too. Whenever I would put one on her, she would kick it until it is out her way.And look at what the little girl is up to this time! She is now learning to use her legs to support herself. She is still on her toes, though. I caught her trying to reach for the place mat on the table. She has already grabbed the glass coaster... She was grinning mischievously at me, knowing that I don't want her hands to hold just anything. But I guess, I must let her be sometimes. After all, she is still a baby. And I must allow her to be one.
One smile. One grin. One giggle. That's all it takes for me to allow Sam to enjoy what she likes doing best: grabbing anything that her hands can reach. Alas!

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