Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

How are you today? Are you worried? Are you grumpy? Are you sad? Or are you glad? If your answer is any of the first three, chances are you are among those people who worry too much. These days, there is so much going on that causes us to be concerned, even alarmed. Wherever we may be, problems and trials seem to find us.

All of us, in one way or another, face financial difficulties, and some emotional and social problems. The financial crisis in the US seem to have affected everybody from around the world. But should we embrace the gray and the glum that these circumstances bring? Definitely not!

Because really, life is not just about finances and economics. While the whole world may be talking and worrying about the US financial crisis, life is not and should not be limited there.

Life is also about being able to have enjoyment and fun. So while "they" are haggling and negotiating out there, why not grab your favorite CD or a copy of your favorite book? Or go out with your friends and catch that movie you were dying to see on the big screen? Or better yet, cook something simple or fancy for your loved ones. You never know just what will make you smile unless you do it.

So try to keep those heads cool and smile. Try to have a kool time doing the things that you enjoy. It is not that hard. You wouldn't want to have wrinkles all over your face worrying too much.

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