Friday, September 19, 2008

I Do Blog! Do You?

Blogging has become a very popular past time or hobby for most of us who have all the time in our hands. Well, who wouldn't? Aside from being a great venue where we can showcase our interests, writing skills and talents to the world, it also allows us to monetize our blog and meet great new people from all over the globe.

For computer geek enthusiast Putradi of, blogging has seem to become a part of his daily routine. He writes mostly about blogging, how to make money online, and creates buzz for a variety of products from free webhosting services to security systems to financial services. He also loves recommending blogs, which I think is very helpful in terms of backlinks and all that. And here's another interesting thing: he loves to blog hop on women-authored blogs. Will Putradi find the woman of his dreams in the blogosphere? Hmm.. let's just wait and see.

And if you want to earn $7.50, you might want to visit to find out how.

So, do you blog? I do... For those of you who don't, it's about time you do!

1 comment:

Putradi said...

Thanks for such a great reviews ! I love it .. :) and yea, I’m still looking for woman authorized blog :P

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