Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Won!

It is one of those days when I feel so glad that I gave blogging a try. Not only do I get to meet great writers and persons, I also get to receive some lovely surprise from the blogosphere. I did mention here that I joined a blog contest, a very easy one at that. I also know that I would have a one in a hundred chance of winning, very slim chance really because of the many bloggers who also joined the contest. But when I opened my email this morning, Hoto over at ThaCash dot com informed me of the very good news. I won the first prize in his second contest. WHeee! I can't believe it!

I was very excited this morning that I wanted to write about it immediately. But, I still had to go to the Immigration Office to get my work permit, bring Sam to the doctor for her third and last dose of DPT vaccine, and then go to Gaba for my second interview. It was a very full day, indeed. So it is only now that I get to share this good news with all of you. Thanks a lot, for the prize. And I hope you would cook up more contests in the future. Maybe, just maybe, I might just get lucky again. ;)

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