1. Always have a positive attitude. When you think good thoughts, it will radiate and give you that glow in your skin.
2. Remember that you are YOU. You are unique - of the billions and billions of human beings in this world, no other person looks like you so be amazed by that fact.
3. If you want to follow a trend, then do so. Just make sure that you are comfortable with it and that you don't lose your individuality. You may also want to be creative and add some flair into it.
4. Do something that you are really good at - a hobby, volunteering for a cause, engaging in sports. You will find that you are capable of doing other things at your best. You will realize that it is not that hard.
5. Tell yourself that you are beautiful... look yourself in the mirror and say "I am a goddess!" repeatedly. You will surely feel good about yourself!
There are so many others... you just have to discover them yourself!
And if you still are not feeling and looking beautiful, well, you just might want to try other procedures that will help enhance your beauty. But I must warn you, these are surgical in nature. And they can be painful, too.
I recently got in touch with a friend from my grade school days through Friendster. At first, I couldn't believe that it was him... I mean, her. She now sports a body like that of a supermodel, she is more "kikay" than me with all the cosmetics that she puts on and the beauty products that she slathers on her skin. Yes, he is now a she! The transformation was amazing really, owing to the fact that she has had reconstructive surgery. And the most amazing part was his... her eyes. They were just very different! Perhaps, it is thanks to eyelid lift surgery, she now has the "looks" of a real woman...
It's really amazing what science and technology can do these days... Getting that look that you want can now be achieved within just weeks.
But at the end of the day, it matters not how you look. For physical beauty is only temporary. At the end of the day, what matters most is the state of your heart and how you have lived your life.

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