Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grammatically Incorrect

I remember way back in college when me and my dear friend, Vixen, would talk in crooked, "carabao" English just for fun. It was a language that we have developed as good friends and some people found it hard to learn to say it the right way, as if there is a "right" way of speaking grammatically incorrect English. It was of course, deliberately done - with obvious grammar errors in the way words were used.

Then last Sunday, I had a chat with another good friend, Ate Shal, who told me that she tried teaching it to some of her students who also are her friends. She said that it was indeed hard for the students to learn it knowing fully well their English language. But just for the fun of it, we chatted in that crooked language of ours and I totally had fun. I was going to post what our chat was but since it was about personal matters, I decided not to.

Warning: Some funny stuffs are heading your way!

I am just to be written it in my blog post about it to be sharing to all of you... And I am to be writing it in the crooked way of it just like as it is I am done right now! Lol! :D

And here's more:
ana k pera: good morning! how are you to be today? i am to be asking about the siargao linking because I am to be lost my copy of it. i am to be writing of it on my blog in the next day. thanking you!

ragadag: halu ka! sorry for the late response in it. i am to be sending a video i am make about the business itself. for the facebook link u are just going to the group there. we are freindships to be there right...

ana k pera: rightness you are correcting yourself. so i am just to be heading myself to the facebook of it, right?

Some of you may react violently but hey, it was just between me and my friends. And yes, it was just for the FUN of it!


marites said...

just remember my high school days when me and my friends talk in swardspeak or gaytalk. it was fun but we are the only ones who can understand it:D

manilenya said...

Hey! That’s how I use my English. I remember, I even got a comment that my English is so third world, it was from another Filipino blogger, but what the heck? This is not my language but I know that I am learning and we can’t deny that we, Filipinos are having fun with our third world English.

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