Monday, February 1, 2010

Managing Your Business Better

I am an Entrepreneur wannabe. In my college years, I have always wanted to put up my own business. I even planned it out with a good friend who is to become my business partner as we both have the same interest. I have been thinking of putting up my own Hobby or Craft Shop and this has been reinforced by the fact that there are lots of other hobbyists who showcase and sell their work in the Internet.

My dilemma is that I have no managerial or business skills whatsoever so that I should either take short business courses first or hire someone else to manage my business. Starting up is difficult enough, what with all the promotion and marketing that I need to promote my product. Making it sustainable entails a lot of hard work. Good thing there is Interim Management that helps a business manage change and create strategies for the business' sustainable growth at times when things are too shaky and fragile. With the economy still in it's downside, it would indeed take a skilled executive to keep a business stable if not profitable.

So I guess before I start being my own boss, I should educate myself first and weigh the odds. Otherwise, it won't work. Otherwise, the money I will be using will go to waste. Otherwise, my efforts and dreams will just go down the drain.

1 comment:

VanillaSeven said...

Sometimes business is about trying and dare to make mistake, and then learn from it. 3 out 4 Millionaires in States experienced at least two times bankruptcy. So, just do it :)

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