Monday, February 1, 2010

TCP#24: A Walk To Remember

It is FEBRUARY already! Whew! The days seem to pass me by with a flash. Hehe! I would like to welcome you all to the February 2nd edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we post about a movie each week. This week's theme is Favorite Love Story Movie. I know each of you has a favorite love story to share. It may have struck a chord in your heart, or the lines were just so cheesy, mushy and romantic that it left you smiling from ear to ear, or it told of the one great love that you wish you have, that you have lost or you now enjoy. I can't wait to read your entries for this week my dear Couchers.

Last week, we had Courtroom Drama Movies. I was surprised to find that I missed Nuts, a 1987 movie starring Barbara Streissand. Riza of Pink Candy Glitters gave a fantastic review about the movie and so it now goes to my long Movies-To-Watch List.

And here's my pick for this week: A Walk To Remember, a 2002 romance film based on the romance novel of the same title by Nicholas Sparks, one of my favorite romance novel authors. I guess most of you have seen this movie and instead of giving you a review, I will tell why it had me fall in love again.

1. I watched this movie with my then-BF-now-Hubby when he came home to the Philippines for his Spring Break.
2. It was a very wholesome movie. There were no sex scenes just to prove that it is a romance film.
3. The lines were very well written. One of my faves was when Jaime read her favorite passage from the Bible, the one from 1 Corinthians 13:1-8a and 13. Love is patient, love is kind... Sounds familiar, right?
4. It showed that love lasts forever, even if the one loved has long left this earth.
5. It made me realize that every step we take should be treasured because we never know if we will ever pass that way again. That love comes at the most unexpected moments.
6. Loved the scene when Jaime was in two places at once. That was very creative. Hehe!
7. The soundtrack, The Moment I Saw You Cry, was just perfect for the movie.
8. It left me thinking, "What if I die young and left a husband? Will I also have the same impact to him as Jaime had on Langdon?"

If you are joining us this week, be sure to enter your favorite Love Story Movie's link in the MckLinky below so that others can visit and comment on your entries too!

Next week, we will feature another Love story movie, this time LOVE pertaining to Children or Kids. Hope to see you all again next week, Couchers. Happy TCP and may LOVE always prevail!

As Fr. Pedro Arruper, SJ said: "Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything."


My first ever give-away is now UP! Click here for more details!


Chris said...

so we picked the same movie! i just love this movie! it is actually my all time FAVORITE movie!

JonaBQ said...

favorite ko rin to! more here

jo.frougal said...

Hi, Kikamz, wow you guys are inspired! LOL! Thanks for the award, I'll post it as soon as I can get my act together ;) My entry is here.

rossel said...

a walk to remember is a feel-good romantic movie. everyone who watched this movie fell in love again including me. happy TCP!

nuts said...

A Walk to Remember seems to be the favorite of the week of couchers..
This is truly one love story, I love this film too.

Vera said...

this is one of my favorites too! And the soundtrack, I just have to sing those songs in videoke all the time! haha :)

If I were to join TCP (not sure if I can make time today), I'd probably have chosen this, but since you already did (haha) I'd have to pick another.... hmmm i have two in mind, both have Brad Pitt in them :)

bambie said...

joining today, after a long absence.=)

Mys said...

I think I made a lousy pick for a love story this week. Hmm. But I agree with most of the choices posted already. Hay. I love them, the movie, the story, everything!

Seiko said...

Hellob Marce!Araw ng mga puso na!This is so exciting.A Walk To Remember is one of my favorite film too.Hindi yata ako nagsawang panoorin ito.
Forgive me Marce for mentioning more than one fave love story film in my entry.It's the month of the heart naman eh baka pwede ng excuse hehe.Happy Tuesday!:D

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

I love this movie too kikamz, nakaka inlove. mine is up na.

Genefaith said...

I love this one too Marce...I love the plot but I'm brokenhearted sa nabuhay ang babae..he..he..

Notebook makes me cry too. Have you seen accidental husband marce...maganda din yon..

My pick is a bollywood in I'm sooooo kilig..panoorin mo yan Marce..he..he..

glad to be back nga pala sa meme na ito:)

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