Thursday, February 18, 2010

Never My Love

Oh no! I totally forgot that yesterday was Couple's Corner day!!! Big apologies to Mommy Liz! I totally forgot about in all my confusion and craze... It's kind of a long story so I won't delve on it.

Anyway, today's theme for CC asks the question: Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? I guess every wife, in one way or another, has asked their spouse about this question. I myself, have asked Hanhan this on countless occasions, especially when I feel insecure about the way I look. Actually, exact question would be: "Will you ever tire of loving me?", to which he would answer back, "Never my love." Sometimes, he would sing me the song "Never my love" just to reassure me. The lyrics contain everything that he wants to say. Feeling ko naman, ang haba ng buhok ko. Hihi!

Anyway, here's the song with lyrics:

Aren't we all lucky to hear our husbands say that? Because I feel so blessed and lucky indeed.

More mushy answers from other wifeys over at Rodliz's Nest.

Rodliz’s Nest


Seiko said...

So sweet of your hubby Marce at kinakanta pa ang sagot sa tanong mo.Sobrang haba nga naman ng buhok mo!hehe...Same here i feel so much blessed to have my husband & i will love him & forever be loyal to him.God Bless you & your family!

Chris said...

i havent been joining this meme for some time now too! anyway, nice song there...

Mommy Liz said...

Mare, I guess the reason why we ask this question is to hear what they tell us. Being told that they will love us till do us part, would be enough to look in the mirror while holding our bilbil, combing our salt and pepper hair, and caressing those lines on the side of our eyes. Hmmm...what do you think?

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