Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Memories And Crystals

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

People who are into crafts always amaze me. I am always in awe whenever I come across these blogs and see their wonderful hand-made creations being showcased on their sites. I have always wanted to make my very own craft business and advertise them online too but until now, I still haven't mustered enough strength to do it. There is this nagging question in my head that's saying: "When will you ever start beading the way Princess Sarah of My Memories and Crystals does? I know, I know, I have been procrastinating for the nth time. But instead of worrying about it, might as well review this very interesting Hobby/Personal blog.

I first came across this site last year when I run her ad on my two blogs for a month because she won in one of the blogging contests where I was one of the sponsors. My fascination for beaded and handmade jewelry was fueled even more by this blog. I just love the material that she uses, which is swarovski crystals (and very popular here in Germany). She posts her finished products in this blog every now and then but the readers will also find personal entries that reminisces her childhood days and fond memories back home in the Philippines. The entries are short and simple but are reinforced by photos, which for me speak louder than words.

The blog layout is three-column with the main page at the center. The header showcases some of the author's finished products, giving the reader an idea about what kind of hand-made jewelry the author makes. I love the background colors, which are different shades of green. It's very relaxing to the eyes. And of course, one can't miss the slideshow of her products found on the left sidebar, where the readers can view the products more clearly.

I would recommend this blog to anyone who has a penchant for handmade jewelries, interesting memes and just about anything.


Grampys World said...

Very interesting. I'll have to go over and take a peek.

Genefaith said...

do you know that I bought swarovski jewelry set from her for my wedding? oo nga galing ni Ate..she could teach me if I want but I don't have time:(

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