Thursday, February 4, 2010

But YOU Didn't!

High School was a very fun and exciting phase of my teenage life. It was there that I discovered that school isn't always about academics. It's also about getting infatuated with someone, daydreams, and yes, prom dates! Unfortunately for me, two proms passed me by WITHOUT a prom date. It was mandatory for us to join the prom so that with or without a date, you have to go. Thank God for my girl friends, I made it through. Hehe!

Dear Prom Date,

I was waiting for you to ask me to the prom months, weeks, even days before D-day,
but you didn't!
I was planning what we both would wear to complement each other's wardrobe,
but sadly, you never existed!
I was waiting for you to fetch me at my house, driving your dad's car,
but you didn't!
I waited that you would take my hand and put on my corsage, and my Mom would proudly take our first photo together,
but you didn't!
I waited that you'd sweep me off my feet and give me my first dance,
but you didn't!
Instead, I saw you in someone else's company,
whispering sweet nothings to her.

And I was sitting there with my friends,
drinking fruit punch, chatting and partying the night away...
So what if you never were there for me?
I can still enjoy my prom night without you by my side.
I have friends... and well, that's all that mattered!

Ah yes, those were the growing up years... who says it's all happy and gay?


Mys said...

It's his loss not yours. I wouldn't have a prom partner too but we're a small highschool so kakahiya kung walang escort. Plus bff asked the guy, not me. hahaha.

Chris said...

cute post... yes, high school days are truly memorable :)

Seiko said...

I don't have any experiences on prom night Marce so i could say that my prom night was very dull.I stayed in the house & did nothing. hehe Buti nalang you got your friends to accompany you those times. Nice poem or letter nga pala. :D

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